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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
♥ 4:43 PM

its been like forever im STRESSED OUT .
63 days more to go to de big O !!
i mean how COOL is tat .
revision ?
dun tok about revision .
even de piles of homework i have not yet deal with .

CA5 results are ups & downs .
chemistry - 24.5/25 (dont ferget im de highest in class) ((=
but de half mark is deducted because i wrote REACTANTS instead of PRODUCTS .
wad a waste .
physics - 12.5/25 (wad a fucking disappointment)
geog - 13/25 (another disappointment)
other subjects not yet returned .

love life ??
i dun give a fuck about it, really .
since i was declared SINGLE, i slept so early .
tat is like healthy kae .
but im neglecting my studies .
like not doing hw or revision when O levels is like 2 MONTHS from now .
fucking shit !

oh yeaa .
im in de peacekeeping union, The Pala Peanuts .
lol .
just joined fer fun .
becos de name of de group somehow was given credits to me .
im de oldest member . (not as old as Datok K or Nenek J)
de rest are sec 3s .

nowadays, i feel like a totally different person .
maybe .
i dont know whether tats good or bad .

cant wait fer thursday .
i hope de enthusiasm of going to put's chalet wont turn into a disappointment .
overnight on thursday n friday .
cant wait !
but i will bring some books along in case de chalet turns boring .

note to self : PUT IN SOME FUCKING EFFORT IN UR STUDIES ATIKA !! go through this 2 months of hell den tat's it !

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, August 21, 2006
♥ 7:15 PM

this is de result of extereme boredness .

You Are 55% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

woohoo im normal

How Normal Are You?

Your Kissing Purity Score: 54% Pure

For you, kissing isn't a casual thing

Lip to lip action makes your heart sing

muack muack !!

Kissing Purity Test

Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance

my heart is red actually .

What Color Heart Do You Have?

What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Mark Wahlberg is your soulmate.
You truly love Sleeping.
You consider Lala's Ball your true friend.
You know that No One is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Putri's Jokes for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Mrs Ramesh is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Hatreddoll is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Atika is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Atika changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Sinyi is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Sinyi has a hidden internet romance.

de second last line is so true .

What Do You Think of Your Friends?

What Your Underwear Says About You

When you're bad, you're very bad. And when you're good, you're still trouble!

You're sexy, in that pinup girl, tease sort of way.
The Underwear Oracle

You Are Wonder Woman

A true goddess, you have the strength and skills to rule the world.
You're one sexy amazon... all of the superhero guys are fighting over you!
What Superhero Are You?

You Are 44% Happy

You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.
You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.
How Happy Are You?

Your Hidden Talent

Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.
You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.
Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.
People crave your praise and complements.
What's Your Hidden Talent?

You Are Shadowcat

You're like a little sister to some, but others see you as a sex kitten.
You are well trained in martial arts, a bit of a computer geek, and can totally kick butt.

Powers: the ability to "phase" through walls and other physical objects
Which of the X-Men Are You?

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 5:10 PM

teletubbies is so dangerous man .
i mean they make some deprived teenagers, like putri, laughed their ass out til tears roll down their cheeks .

i wonder whu created them .

they are worse than happy tree friends .

happy tree friends have much more real characters like bunny and porcupine .

unlike happy tree friends, teletubbies are aliens(4 aliens) + a vacuum cleaner with a pair of eyes + a sun with a baby in it .

the only living thing in teletubbies are de bunnies .

isnt it strange to watch a belly ?

it is so not suitable for pre-schoolers . They will be so deprive of speaking and de only thing they will say is "E-o" . wahaha! Therefore, it shd be rated NC16(mentang2 baru jejak 16tahun) .

no comments lar .


tinky winky

-the most hanyut-est toyol . A very bad lifestyle that includes smoking(n keeping it from dipsy), clubbing, gig-going, moshing(i noe. i cant believe it either) and terrorism .


-the most COOL(mcm carlito) toyol . He owns a jukebox n is now considering to purchase de parapara machine . He goes sun-tanning every sunday using Po's scooter . Despite his efforts using the whitening cream(watson's) tat he stole from po, he's still as dark as night .


-oh . she's the cutest(not po!!) . She's yellow and yellow reflects her bright nature . She's athletic(padahal pukol2 bola) and she's smart . ((= She's a little bit cuckoo sometimes that she mistook noonoo for a male alien . This is due to her un-straight aeriel .


-i pity po because she had no choice but to use a scooter as she's underage to buy a motor . She's always a pening lalat because of her round aeriel . She's supposed to be ugly but plastic surgery n ample routined facial sessions made her 'cute' and fair .

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, August 20, 2006
♥ 4:21 PM

Full Name: Tinky-Winky
Gender: Male
Accessory: Red Handbag

Tinky-Winky is an odd one. He's the biggest Teletubby, and he's certainly a gentle creature, often to be seen ambling around Teletubbyland, mumbling to himself, or skipping around holding the now legendary red handbag (or red purse, if you're American) in the bend of his arm. You might also catch him wearing the communal Teletubbyland tutu. So, well, okay; everybody has their own preferences, right? Tinky-Winky's are just a bit less conventional than the norm.

The handbag is a pretty impressive piece of kit, too; if you remember Mary Poppins' bag, you'll know the kind of thing - despite the bag being of average size, we have seen it contain Dipsy's hat (fancy that!), Laa-Laa's ball, and Po's scooter. By then it was too heavy to lift, but still - impressive stuff.

Tinky-Winky is rather clumsy - he falls over rather a lot, and is quite prone to doing silly things - he'll fall into a puddle and get soaked, or he'll fall over and roll down a hill. In the kindest possible sense, he's... well, an oaf. A very kind oaf, but an oaf nonetheless. He's a good guy, though, and a friend to all, and he carries off the coat-hanger aerial pretty well .

Full Name:Dipsy

Accessory:Top Hat

Ah, Dipsy. He's a dancer, a prancer, a funky dude, he's Mr Cool. That's what he thinks, anyway. Dipsy has quite the ego, but then he does have the moves to go with it. Remember the Thriller video? It seems fairly likely that Dipsy has seen it a couple of (hundred) times, cos he certainly moves like a young Michael (and doesn't look nearly as strange, eh? :) All the time, as well - he's always dancing.

The hat is Dipsy's pride and joy. It has no top, so as to accomodate his aerial, and is furry, with a black and white cow pattern on it. Maybe it's some kind of left-over Gateway 2000 promo item, nobody knows. But Dipsy likes it. No, he loves it. He even made up a rhyme about it (Dipsy's hat, Dipsy's hat, fancy that, it's Dipsy's hat!) and a song:
Hat, hat haaat,

Hat, hat haaat,
Hat, hat haaat hat.(repeat)

Good song, eh? He made one up about a telescope that he found, too:
Te-le-scooope,Te-le-scooope,Te-le-scooope scope.(repeat)

What a guy. How long before he's on Top of the Pops, touring Japan and trashing hotel rooms? Anyway, occasionally Dipsy's ego will get the better of him; for instance, the time when he woke up before all of the other Teletubbies, and took it upon himself to make some "adjustments".

So, there he was, pushing buttons and pulling levers like there was no tomorrow. The buttons, of course, make bizarre honking noises, which woke the others up. They were none too pleased, as you may imagine. However, Dipsy managed to get himself out of it by playing a tune on the buttons. The Teletubbies love tunes and the like, so in the end everyone ended up happy. As usual.

Full Name:Laa-laa

Accessory:Orange Ball

Laa-Laa is sweet, there's no question about that. She could doubtless talk her way into (or out of) anything, being the little charmer that she is. She's mastered the funny look to the camera, too. There's a question about Laa-Laa, though - where is she from? It has been suggested that she might be German - just listen, when she says "Tinky-Vinky". However, judging from the double-A in her name, my vote goes for Dutch. Yup, it all makes sense - the orange ball is another piece of evidence.

The ball is a strange item. Usually, it's just a big, bouncy ball. Now and then, though, it has taken on different shapes - a pyramid, a cube, a big lower-case 'e'. Hmmm. It's often the cause for some fun, anyway, as a ball should be.

She's willing to learn, as well, and is a patient listener, as Po found out when she tried to explain the appearance in the Teletubbies' house of a voice-trumpet-thing that spouted the 'Pat-a-cake' rhyme before disappearing again:
Po: E-o Laa-Laa!
Laa-laa: E-o Po!
Po: Patacake!
Laa-laa: Packatake?
Po: Patacake!!
Laa-laa: Packacake?
Po: Patacakepatacakepatacake!
Laa-laa: Ah, patacake.

At that point the voice-trumpet-thing reappeared, so Laa-Laa found out what Po was rabbiting on about.
There you go, then. She's yellow, she's cute and she's smart .


Po is the smallest Teletubby, but she has a big personality. She is endlessly amused by the world around her, and has a very soft, young sounding voice. Under this gentle exterior, however, there is a Class A nutcase. She is the only Teletubby with any kind of vehicle, and she takes full advantage of the hills and valleys of Teletubbyland, belting around the place like a furry Barry Sheen. Po is, to put it mildly, an adrenaline junkie; she'll even ride the scooter (or, as Po herself puts it, "coooter") down a hill at breakneck speed, straight through the door of the Teletubbies' house. The scooter, of course, has no brakes (hey, where's the fun in brakes? :)

She'll also chuck the scooter on the floor if the other Teletubbies need her to do a bit of a dance or something. It's a pretty resilient thing, as is Po, often the first of the four to roll down a hill, jump in a puddle, or try to go up the helter-skelter in the Teletubbies' house.

Judging by these nutty antics, it would be easy to assume Po was lacking in brain power. It would be wrong, too; she can speak some Cantonese - she'll often be heard singing or counting in a language other than English, which I'm assured is Cantonese, anyway. Po exhibits quite the analytical brain, as well. An example (okay, the only example):
Laa-Laa had been playing with her ball, when she got it stuck in a tree. Whilst none of the other Teletubbies could get it back, not even Tinky-Winky, Po had the answer. Although the other Teletubbies uncharacteristically rubbished Po's idea, she went ahead. Borrowing Tinky-Winky's lovely red handbag (much to his chagrin), Po hurled it at the ball, knocking the ball into Laa-Laa's hands, and the bag flying into Tinky-Winky's hands. Great coordination, a killer aim, and no hard feelings towards the others. Hurrah for Po!

p.s : i really had nothing to do .

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, August 18, 2006
♥ 5:14 PM

ytd, i was HOT (physically) .
seriously it was farking hott .
even my breast felt hot .
so does my shi-shi .
i swear im telling the truth .
n today im fine .

putput nabey ding dong's funniest entry is about 4 toyols .
wahahahaha !
klakla beb .

kau lar badot yg paling klakla .
lol . joking .

me in school uniform = UGLY

mcm cool gitu main poker . padahal main 'bluff' .

poledancing in class . n tat ittirating laughs came from ME !!
LOL . fucking ittirating .

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, August 14, 2006
♥ 12:28 AM

wooooo .
happy sixteen bdae to me .
sweet 16 .
sweet abes !
dulu berangan nk buat 16 manis kat club .
tk tercapai .
haha .

y de fuck am i talking in malay .
haha .
im a b4-malay-O-level girl .
i think my cat can speak malay better than me if it is a human .
niwae i dont have a cat .
fer my birthday, i went to my aunt's open hse in hougang .
played with alot of my small cuzzins .
haha .
so fucking cute .
one of them flashed his "bob the builder" green underwear .
im so pleased .
hahaha !
i keep asking fer more .
wahaha !
bla bla bla .

im addicted to this french movie, "8 women" or "8 femmes" or "8 frauen" .
its so fucking nice .
i watched it almost every night .
the songs rox my balls .
here they are ...





`i am me, not someone else

Monday, August 07, 2006
♥ 9:23 PM

tomorrow's my NDP celebration .
so enthu .
so banner's done .
class tee was superb .
everyone loves it including ME !
i designed it . =D
hugs&kisses to me .
mascot was in a terrible state .
we intend to do a ball .
but it looks lyk a diaper .
seriously .
but alot of effort was put in .
too bad fer clara & gang .
they were in charge .
left skewl ad 6+ .
rafi, poh hui & jin nong carried all de stuffs fer tmr to my hse .
cos my hse is darn near to de stadium .
so tmr haf to wake up early .
my whole class will be meeting ad my void deck tmr ad 6.30am .
so farking early .
yeaa .
tmr release ad 10am .
how cool .
yay-ness .

4e6 loves Singapore !!
LOL-ness .

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
♥ 7:40 PM

mama .
i think mira's new game is lame shit because i only get 1 vote . ))=
emo .
haha .
todayy cracked my brain n designed de class t-shirt .
de t-shirt guy came to our school n ii hand him de designs .
just wait n see .
so our school will celebrate national day on de 8th August 2006 ad de Jurong West Stadium .
how cool is tt .
just a stone throw-away from my block .
haha .
mira !
watchh out on 9th August 2006 .
wawawa .
i love JOHNNY DEPP .
haha .
iim feeling neutral rite now .
not acidic, not too alkaline .
pH 5.5 arr .
crazyy bitch .
im just feeling emo .
wadever emo means lar .


lame siak !
take care siol .
finally get to eat MARSHMELLOW ytd .
wawawa .
nth to write .
nth to write .
nth to write .
ok bla .
btw i changed my song already .
wahahaha .
if mahmudah can be emo y cant i .
yay-ness .

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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