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Monday, September 29, 2008
♥ 4:05 PM


Was supposed to go Wisma with bf to pick up my heels.
& he didn't wake up.
So, since Putri asked me out, we went there together.

I waited for her at Boon Lay control station & while waiting, I was in the heat of argument with bf.
I said I wanted a break-up.
No, no.
It's not because of him waking up late or whatsoever.
I'm not that petty.

I had to put down the phone on the train because I was tearing.
& everyone was looking.
I answered Putri's car theory tests for her.
& I got it right!

So, bf wanted to meet me in town and all.
I said no.
But, he still went to town to find me.
Whereas in town, me and Putri was running away from him and headed to Vivocity.

Rusydi & his two classmates came.
We break-fasted at Secret Recipe since Putri wanted the chicken cordon so much.
It was nice, with cheese oozing out.

We went back home shortly after eating.
& I was suppose to meet bf to end it once and for all.
& like how Putri predicted, I was weak.

When, it comes to love, I'm so weak.
I ended up giving him another chance.

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, September 28, 2008
♥ 5:21 AM

People, my house is spick and span!

Well, today I woke up quite early.
12pm to be exact.
That's when the heat agitated me and cause me to wake up.
Not only that, my mom and her friend had been making noise since 10am because they were cleaning up.

I woke up, ate a piece of bread and got to work!
yes, ATE~
I didn't fast.
Doesn't seem that surprising anymore.
& work doesn't mean tru, it means get-my-fat-ass-up-and-clean-my-room.

I was so progressive.
I mean, efficient.

Threw a whole lot of stuffs away!

So, since everyone was not fasting, we went to Siam Kitchen and ate.
Mom bought a new sewing machine.
Her friend bought a table.
& I bought, omg, a very bimbotic pair of heels!

How I know it's bimbotic?
Because the first thing I thought of when I saw the heels was Patricia's mom throwing the shoe away.
Long story.
Ok fine.
Patricia's mom threw most of her heels away because they were too bimbotic.

Pat, if you're reading this, I just want to say that I would never do that to you.

& guess what?
yes people, be envious if you have to.

went with my colleagues.
& I had my deng deng!
finally.. (teared eyes)

after that we went to have some drinks at bukit timah.
& here I am, home sweet(& clean) home. =)

Cashew Road.

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 5:21 AM

People, my house is spick and span!

Well, today I woke up quite early.
12pm to be exact.
That's when the heat agitated me and cause me to wake up.
Not only that, my mom and her friend had been making noise since 10am because they were cleaning up.

I woke up, ate a piece of bread and got to work!
yes, ATE~
I didn't fast.
Doesn't seem that surprising anymore.
& work doesn't mean tru, it means get-my-fat-ass-up-and-clean-my-room.

I was so progressive.
I mean, efficient.

Threw a whole lot of stuffs away!

So, since everyone was not fasting, we went to Siam Kitchen and ate.
Mom bought a new sewing machine.
Her friend bought a table.
& I bought, omg, a very bimbotic pair of heels!

How I know it's bimbotic?
Because the first thing I thought of when I saw the heels was Patricia's mom throwing the shoe away.
Long story.
Ok fine.
Patricia's mom threw most of her heels away because they were too bimbotic.

Pat, if you're reading this, I just want to say that I would never do that to you.

& guess what?
yes people, be envious if you have to.

went with my colleagues.
& I had my deng deng!
finally.. (teared eyes)

after that we went to have some drinks at bukit timah.
& here I am, home sweet(& clean) home. =)

Cashew Road.

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, September 27, 2008
♥ 3:57 PM

Finally, my childhood photos.
I, actually, have a childhood!


Mummy with funny face and baby me.

With my 1st & 2nd sis at Kentucky!

Me, 2nd sis & younger sis.
I'm wearing teletubbies!!!

Cousin & mentel me.

Face painting rocks.

I'm proud to be a Xingnan-ian.

KL trip with mom & mom's friends.

&&&& my favourite childhood picture will be....


Because my mom said it's very easy to distinguish me among my other sisters.
I like to tonggek (chest out, butt out) since young.
& this photo proved it.


`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
♥ 6:00 PM

I caught this sick movie, I must say on Saturday.
A midnight movie at JP with my colleagues.
It's so sick that it's M18.
It's surprising to see ME watching a horror movie.

I wish I didn't.
I only watched half of the movie.
I was covering my eyes with my jacket & was listening to my mp3.

My Sunday was wonderful.
Dined at Al-Majlis @ Haji Lane with the peeps.

Putri, you will never be forgotten. haha.

Met up with Putri, Mira, Rusydi in town.
They initially wanted to shop.
But in the end, Putri bought a Mango bag instead of shoes.
The bag was nice.

Went to Paragon's Toys R Us.
Fyi, no one is allowed to take pictures in TRU.

Pika Pika.

Reached at Bugis & talked.

Ugly me on the left. (haha)

Mira & Put bought for me this lego ring but red in colour.
Put's black & Mira's yellow.
As soon as I put the ring on, it didn't take very long for my lego to be detached from the ring.


We had southern-arabian(is it?) cuisine.
As we arrived an hour early, we played the game murderer & charade.
I realised the word 'Lucky' is very hard to be charade-d.
Tonnes of laughter and madness.
To make it simple, we conquered the room.







Yours Truly. (haha. bitch.)

Ugly me in the centre. (inside joke)

& finally, I get to post something up.
I've been busy with work and sleep.
I need money.

& yesterday was my bitchy sister's bday.

She is never at home.
Let me see.. the last time she was home was... maybe more than 6 months ago?

She's living with her friends or something.

Happy Birthday, Bitch.

& today, is my Grandmother's 67th birthday.
Went to her house just now with my Aunties, Uncle & Cousins to break-fast together.

Nice to see everybody.

I shall find some time to post my baby & toddler & primary school pictures up.
I was cute when I was a toddler.
But the cute-ness drained away when I grew up.

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, September 20, 2008
♥ 9:01 PM

Geylang sipaku Geylang.
Geylang si rama rama.

I want to go Geylang.
Only Malays understand the enthusiasm of going Geylang even though we thought we hated Geylang.
I want the Deng Deng & the Chendol.
Ok fine.
Chendol can find at SweetTalk.


On Friday, while break-fasting with my fellow TRU colleagues, there was one conversation I find particularly funny.

Fifi was saying that there was this one day that he went to Geylang and bought some stuffs back.
He took the train back home with two paperbags.
One contained a newly-bought traditional costume with hari raya envelopes(ang pow).
Another contained Deng Deng.

When he alighted, he forgot both bags!
The train left and he realised that he had forgotten the bags.
So, he headed down to the control station and told the officer to stop the train at the next station so that he could retrieve the bags.
But, unfortunately, he said no.

When he told us this story, he looked sad.
And my manager, Amin, was also sad for him.
He said, with exaggerated expression, "If you lose the bag with the traditional clothes, nevermind, BUT you lost the one with the deng deng in it!"

Fifi: "Tu ah! Baju kurung biler2 aku boleh beli tapi deng deng setahun sekali sey!"
Followed by a sad face.

I dont know whether I had accomplish interpreting how funny the story is because when I read the post all over again, it doesnt seemed funny.


Anyway, back to Geylang & the big deal to go there at least once a year.
I was supposed to go Geylang with my work mates on Wednesday but I fell asleep!
So, today was my off day and I wanted to go since I miss Deng Deng.
No one was available to accompany me. =(

Oh well, tomorrow never dies (I hope).
Cos, if tomorrow dies, I can't get to break-fast with my fellow crazy friends!!

Later, I'm going to watch a midnight movie with fellow colleagues.
Don't know what to watch.
This post is useless.

Why do I always think that each post is useless huh?

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
♥ 5:37 AM

I didn't find it interesting at first but it's so FUCKING true.

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

So, anyway, guess what??
The results are out!
& before I say anything, I feel so proud for my Blossoms for getting a potential-gpa-to-enter-a-university.

don't know bout Pat.
cos she's still sleeping now..
& mojo, don't worry!
my friend got 0.5 for gpa.

& me...

Honestly, I cannot complain about Econs.
I deserve it!
I always, without fail, turn up late for class.
I didn't do my homework, sometimes.
All I did to get participation marks was to erase the board!

How can my maths get A??
I aimed for Distinction bcos maths is so goddamn easy (except for probability).

DBMS betrayed me.
I thought I did pretty well.
But, fine, whatever, B+....
why cant i get A??!!!

&& worst of all, my GPA!!
the most disappointing & disheartening factor in the results slip..
3.265 eh...

whatever la results..
I still got 5 more semesters, 2.5 years more to go...
So, I must get at least 3.7 every semester from now onwards!!
(I hope my enthusiasm in studies never dies!)

Wen Ting, why you so clever uh!
Distinction for Econs ley....
Don't play play.

So long Earthlings..
May god bless all of your GPAs.

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
♥ 12:34 AM

So, I realized that my blog is getting so freaking boring & picture-less.

From me to you, with love.

Super Cat!

Getting started young!


Beware of crocodiles.

Cat for breakfast.

Anywhere comfortable.

My friend is missing.

Big Booby Book Holder.

Secrets to a Happy Marriage

1. It is important to find a woman who cooks and cleans.

2. It is important to find a woman who makes good money.

3. It is important to find a woman who likes to have sex.

4. It is important that these three women never meet.

Have a pleasant day.
& guess what?
I did it.
I fasted!

P.s: Don't go to Victoria's Secret website! They will tempt you. SALE! & the cute bikinis & dresses. ARGH!

If you guys still wanna buy it, is having a VS shopping spree.

ARGH! how uh?? Maybe i'll get just one dress. Just one..

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, September 14, 2008
♥ 1:29 AM


Finally, I hit the gym today.
Wanted to go to Amore but I will feel lonely.
So, I went to Sherwoods Tower's instead.
With Patricia. (duhh. she lives there)

I feel so healthy already.
Physically & mentally.

Now, I'm sticky.

This post is so redundant.

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, September 13, 2008
♥ 12:10 AM

Tomorrow, will be my first time fasting this month.
It also depends whether i will still lose blood from down there.
So, it's up to the v v.

If I'm going to fast tomorrow, I can't say any vulgar words.
Therefore, before I fast tomorrow, I shall indulge myself to scold someone or something or even nothing in this post.


Not that much, but, I feel better.
I'm a very easily-pleased person.
I don't know why I'm monotone-ing my post.
But, who cares.
& yesterday, I had 48 unique visitors but zero taggers.

How friendly~!

Never mind, doesn't matter.

I feel like a zombie.

Happy cuckoo turned Kukubird in 24 hours.
Kukubird is supposed to be the opposite of what Happy Cuckoo means.
Kukubird is a versatile word.
It can mean stressed out, angry, frustrated, fuck-face, unpredictable, etc etc.
Of course, I created it's own meanings & now, you can!

Fucking irritated, tired & annoyed.

I want to break-free from.. maybe.. SINGAPORE?? or ASIA??
I want to be stranded in an island which has spectacular view.
& also must have standard of living la.
With no one but me.

Maybe, I need to just chill.

I need to go to the gym desperately to relieve some stress cells(if they ever exist).
I shall book a 5-star hotel room for myself & get some spa treatment.
But, if I'm the masseuse, I think there will be nothing to be massaged because I'm all bones.
Maybe, foot therapy.


Why am I boring you guys?
Because you don't tag!

kidding la.

Tag or don't tag, doesn't matter.
As long as you don't give me problems which has potential in driving me insane.
Maths problems are welcome.

So, should I watch Doraemon or Friends to put me to sleep tonight?

Gossip girl, High School Musical, Drake & Josh are shows that gives me unwanted memories.
Why so random uh?

I think this is one of the most boring post I've ever written so far.
Thanks for reading.

Around the World..
For generations..


Amin is my manager, by the way.

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, September 12, 2008
♥ 12:11 AM


I can't wait for tomorrow.
I miss you in many ways.

So, anyway, answers to Mad Gab.
(a) Apple of His Eye
(b) A Thermometer
(c) I need a receipt

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
♥ 1:47 AM

With 6.2 million viewers on Youtube.

With 8.1 million viewers!

8.8 million viewers!!


`i am me, not someone else

♥ 12:43 AM

Today Everyday, I woke wake up hungry.

& it's my off day.
I was frantically searching for food in the house, but only maggi!

So, i rolled and rolled on the bed hoping that food will fall down from the ceiling but apparently, it did not happen.
Kind of restless because I had the most wonderful and meaningful dream and I HAD to wake up due to the 3+pm heat.
I felt sad.

I wanted to go to the gym, so I called up Pat.
& suddenly, we were in town looking for Lupita's present.
I was still hungry...

wanted to dig in at Lucky Plaza's Nasi Ayam Penyet but it cost $6.50!!
but, in the end $6.50 didn't mattered because I love it so so much!
Love the Nasi Ayam Penyet so much that I refused to join Hilmi & friends eat at Cineleisure.

Laughed a lot.
Bubbled a lot.
& we were somehow in a fairytale land!
with toys & market place & more.
We were practically laughing at everything.

Especially, the mrt incident.
So embarrassing.

Introducing, Mad Gab.
Available at Toys R Us at $39.95.

Eye Mull of Mush Sheen.

Try this:
(a) Eye Pillow Fizz Sigh
(b) Eighth Her Mom Utter
(c) Hiney Dairy Seat

Answers will be revealed in the next post.
In the meantime, just say the three sentences to people around you & strangely, they will get it & you don't.

Thank you, Patricia Tanuwijaya, for bringing my mood up!
A pity Wen Ting couldn't join us.
We miss you, Wen Ting!

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, September 08, 2008
♥ 2:49 AM

- closure
- ppg
- the fucking(mating) cats to really lower down their volume every night
- warmth

(FUCK LA~!!!!!! the cat so noisy~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

- more laughing sessions with night rider
- more workload so that i will always be busy
- to fast!! (i haven't fast at all this month!)

- alcohol
- to party
- retail therapy

Should I still get him what I wanted to get for him?
Because it will cost me a month pay.

Anyway, today I worked full shift.
10am til 11pm.

Tmr, 2pm til 11pm.

So on & on & on...

Ppg's meeting me on wed after work.

mucus, mucus, cry, mucus, cry..
I think.. I need help.


(sound like kana fuck so hard like that)

get a room.

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, September 07, 2008
♥ 1:53 AM

& what if i say... i'm single.

a note to all girls out there.
love with your brain, not your heart.

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
♥ 12:32 AM

Balance of photos brought down as at 3rd September.
Wen Ting's bday celebration started at town.
Swensen's the place.
A picture tells a thousand words.

So, i have 20,000 words for you.

ppg loves me!! =)

photos + vivid memories = unforgettable
wen ting uh!!!!
u rock!
Happy belated birthday.

You are not fat.
You are not ugly.
You are also not ugly when u were d--n-.

On a random note, I've been so nice to research this for all the sadists in the world.
See what you'll be missing out if you don't visit my blog!


How to Be Happy in Life

Enjoy life like this!
Enjoy life like this!

Do you want to enjoy a happy, peaceful life? Don't worry! Just read the article below!


  1. "I wonder if..."
    "I wonder if..."
    Understanding: Try to understand what a miracle you are! You have all the five senses, you have a beating heart, you have a steady brain...Many people are born missing limbs, or even insane! Think! You are so much better off than them.

  1. Smiles and laughter: Not only does these simple activities make you happy, but they keep the brain healthy, thus, you stay well! Imagine, a day without laughter is like a day without light! Can you live without this light?

  1. Books contains loads of things to know about! They can also give you knowledge!
    Books contains loads of things to know about! They can also give you knowledge!
    Knowledge: Knowledge is everything! If you can stand and speak but don't understand, then what is the point of standing and speaking? Success (amongst many other things) bring happiness. And only knowledge can bring success!

  1. Success can be'll know it when you get claps
    Success can be'll know it when you get claps
    Love and inspiration: Imagine if your family didn't love you. What would you do? Their love is your greatest inspiration to know, thus, gain success! What would the world be without love? What would have inspired people to build this wonderful world? Love is one of the things that makes life have meaning! Without this, you would never have happiness!

  1. Delicious! Ummmm...
    Delicious! Ummmm...
    Food: It might seem funny, but everyone knows one cannot keep his temper if he is terribly hungry. And if you're angry, how is it possible to be happy?

  1. You: Only you can make yourself happy. You must be determined! If you can't make yourself happy, no one can.

Smile all day!


Things You'll Need

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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