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Saturday, August 30, 2008
♥ 4:13 PM

26th Aug 2008 til 27th Aug 2008

My (2-weeks) belated birthday celebration.

West Coast Park

Me, Pat, Wen Ting, Noelle, Beanie

The 13th Aug celebration doesn't seemed like a celebration to wen ting & pat. (shrugs)

like that la.

omg. i'm a fatass!


atika turns 18years (and 2 weeks) old.

umm. not well-recommended. try not drinking neat.

yesterday had wen ting's birthday celebration at 'blue star'.
It was an unforgettable one.
Can't wait to receive all the photos!!

Parasite -
a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage [syn: leech]

what the hell man, Patricia!
nvm. it's way better than......

Disparaging and Offensive. an attractive but stupid young woman, esp. one with loose morals.

no pat, you have no loose morals okay?

so, anyway, i was going through My Received Files and there was one picture that I've nvr seen til now that it had been discovered.


`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
♥ 3:38 AM

Saturday, 23rd August 2008
Went to workplace at 10pm to get a last-minute bday present for Jayden.
All i know is that I got shrink-wrapped!!

Meaning, all my colleagues sabo-ed me by taping my feet, arms and body.
Took pictures with me happily as if i was a monument.
Put me on a baby stroller and left me.

Went to Sengkang to pack the goodie bags.

Sunday, 24th August 2008

Birthday Boy & his present.

I blew those balloons okay!

Jayden Lee Sai Mun

Who's that on the bed?

I shall not look at it....

touching it...

Oh, it's uncle. hehehehe. Uncle so bloody dark!

Who's ready to party?

odd one out.

goodie bags.

Happy Fool.

Jayden & Dad.

Presents. one of them is martell. lol.


Big & small jelly-fishes.


Trying so hard to be candid.

Bf's friends.

Bf's family with shasha.

Bf's family with grandma.

I'm bloody fat already. =(

Bf's friends.

Actually, there were much more people on that day.
Relatives of Ah Fong.
Relatives of Bf.

But, I didn't bothered to take their pictures.
&& worst thing i've ever done, unintentionally....
was to eat PORK~!!

fuck la.

i felt like puking........
shouldn't have make fun of luncheon.

25th August 2008

went back home after the celebration with Bf.
Reached home around 12am+??
I studied DBMS a bit.
& then dozed off at 3am.
woke up at 7.30am and continued studying til 11+pm.

I dozed off here and there.
When i dozed off while studying, sitting up, Bf will throw stuffs at me to wake me up.
I guess i should thank him.

Left the house around 12pm.
Went to get the Shihlin crispy chicken at JP cos Bf was so hungry.
The lady who tended the shop flirt with Bf eh!!
But when i look at how 'beautiful' she was, I was okay.
not even a tinge of jealousy, after that.

The paper, surprisingly for me, was easy~!!
I don't know why.
I didn't studied so hard for this paper, unlike Maths and PACC, but this is the easiest paper so far.
I don't mean to be complacent or anything but this is the first time I can do a DBMS paper!

Many, including ppg, thought it was difficult.

I think, it's not the quantity time that you spent studying on the subject that can make you score but it's how attentive & punctual you are in class.
Lesson learnt.

So, anyway, I slept like a pig after school.

note to self: study econs aka last paper!!

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, August 23, 2008
♥ 1:12 PM


finally, i had ENOUGH sleep!

ok ok.
i was literally a zombie since 21st aug, 12am.
i only slept at 22nd Aug, 7am.
okay fine.
it doesnt seem that extreme when i put it that way.

let's put it this way..
i didn't sleep for a freaking 31hours!
and then, i sleep for only 3 hours after that.
so balance brought down, 28hours.
& then i slept again at 6pm.
so it's 34hhours!!!

see see.
now it's extreme.

but then i only had 14.5 hours sleep today.
from 6pm to 8.3oam.
ok. blogging about sleep isnt that interesting.
so, what did i do being awake for 34hours?!

I know I spent 12 hours from 6pm to 6pm studying at west coast park with Pat, Navin & beanie.
Navin left at 10+pm.
Beanie came later at 2am?
It somehow was productive for me.
because i knew if i were to stay at home, i will fall asleep & not study at all!

so, i didn't dare to risk embarrassing myself in public if i had slept in mac for i knew that i was going to snore big time!

slept over at Pat's place.
woke up at 10am.
did some more revision.
& then went to school.

Maths was okay.
but i think i can't get distinction.
That was my only regret.

but i think i did pretty well, though.

DBMS on Monday!!!
oh no.
more sleepless nights.

It was my 2nd time in West Coast Park.
It was Pat's and Beanie's first time. (that sounds wrong! whahahaha)

I don't know why.
but studying there for 12 hours seemed like 5 hours.
In other words, I had fun studying.
With laughing Pat.
& blur wen ting asking questions that drove me & pat mad.

we went to take a stroll at the park before heading home.




the view was suppose to be nice!

the view was suppose to be romantic!

view from Pat's crib overlooking Bukit Timah.

Bukit Timah is the highest peak in Singapore.

Anyway, i'm planning to study full blast today because i have to be at Yishun at night later to prepare for Jayden's One-Year-Old Birthday Celebration.
That explains me being occupied on Sunday and most probably I would have no time to study tomorrow!

Bf is such a bitch!!

on the other hand... him not spending time with me can be a blessing in disguise. >=)

speaking of vulgarities..
Pat who started being so vulgar and influence the rest of us mentioned this on her blog:

"oh a little note to powerpuffgirls that's spending their finest hour in school. let's stop saying fuck to each other from now onwards. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

on the next faithful day in her blog post, she started it all over again:


it's funny to me.

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, August 21, 2008
♥ 10:38 AM

So, on Monday..
it was kindda dull.
but there was a lot of food.

somehow, i think the more older i get, the lesser my love for durians get.
so, anyway the first thing i did when i reach yishun was to cut my hair short.
not very short but just a bit.
made it more layered and stuff.

Bf's sis brought back a whole load of clothes for me.
I'm so happy..
13 clothes.
see, 13 actually IS my lucky number.
Mango, Levis, some local brands & mostly Abercrombie&Fitch.

I have to say that they sell clothes way cheaper in the US than in Singapore.
But the stuffs in Phuket are more cheap!!
Even the whorehouse is charged way lower than in Singapore.

Let's save money and go to Phuket~!
you can rent a real motorbike for S$4 a day without having a license.
and the alcohol there is at least 4 times cheaper.
the make-up there, (MAC, bobbi brown, chanel, etc) are waaaay cheaper.
Trust me.

So, anyway the bdae gift she gave me wasn't Versace but Victoria Secret.
Bf's mom totally got mixed up with both brands.
But i loike(HAHA! omg. ah lian word).

Jayden was so cute.
I can't help but look how tiny his fingers and toes and nose and ears(well mostly everything) were.
I also want a baby~!!
One that doesn't cry and is very cute. =)
Maybe my child needs a cute father in order to be cute..

Ate til around after midnight.
Bf's parents persuaded me to sleepover but i knew i will sleep til late afternoon and will have no time to study.
So, i slept at Kak Ina's house for convenience as she will be going to work the next morning.

I asked Kak Ina to wake me up when she's going out to work in the morning but she didn't.
I asked her why.
She said she tried to but i just slept like a pig.
I don't blame her.
Even my loud alarm clock can't wake me up.

So, i woke up around 12pm.
And used the com til 7pm.
&& that's where i realised that i had no time to study for the next day's paper.
Thank goodness my mom picked me up.
Sengkang is undeniably FAR.

So, anyway PACC was so screwed up.
Last minute revision for pacc didnt really worked that well.
I was so panicky because i thought it carried a more dominant weightage.
So, i tried to do the bitchy past year exam papers til 4am.
&& i decided 'fuck la' & went to sleep.

I was so worried about the paper that I went to school 2.5 hours early to do some more last minute revision.
& then, I wasn't that worried anymore til Navin said that it was only 20%.
I was a bit relaxed but still, I had to at least pass the paper!
Pearlyn gave me some candies(get back to that later) as a belated gift.
I love my lesbian.

Turned out, horrifically, the paper was just as bitchy as the past year exam papers.
Had 1.5hours but i couldn't finish the paper.
Lucky for me, I had the question on Cash Receipts Journal to help me out against the P&L.
&& everybody got net profit except me!

screw you la.
tomorrow's paper is Maths! =)
I'm so proud to say that I haven't studied for maths.
Because i'm going to do it later, i hope.

So, after school, I slept!
Slept from 6pm all the way to 12am.
&& I'm still awake!!
There some things I can't mention in the blog but I REALLY DID HAVE FUN~!!
cant tell you guys when and where.

only ppg knows.

to wen ting: the white thing's purpose is to reveal more & to give it a push. (i'm trying to be very un-straight forward so ppl dont know what im talking about)

to pat: i think it's a mistake for webcams to exist. HAHA. ribbony bush.

On the other hand, who wants sweet treats?

of course, i wont give away candies.
but seriously, this is my favourite candy bar so far.
& it's very highly recommended.
It doesn't taste as lame as it looks.

every bite comes with a splendid burst of sour strawberry flavour and seduces your tastebud.

It literally squirts in my mouth!
I'm eating it one row a day so I won't have to finish it so fast.

haven't tried it yet.
so, no comments.
but looks yummy.

You guys can get it from Candy Empire.
I dont know about the other outlets but they are definitely sold at Changi Airport Terminal 3's Candy Empire.
Or you can purchase the German choc bar at

& i'm having a stomachache.
Maybe a german stomachache.
It must be the stupid mee goreng.
or or the chilli crab.

okay whatever.
I'm going to shit.

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, August 18, 2008
♥ 2:14 PM

enough of ugly pictures..

was supposed to go Nadia's birthday chalet.
but.. what the heck.. cancel.
too lazy to go all the way to ecp.

so, plan B.. pool.
with aman, ijat and aqeel.
i finally know who's who.

left early because mira asked me to meet her.
sounds urgent so i took a cab.
& then while in the cab, mira called and said no need to meet.
so, home sweet home.

went to Kak Ina's house.
she just came back from Phuket, Thailand with shub.
met bf's mom at yishun first and then off to sengkang.
Kak Ina's bdae was on the 14th Aug.
She told me she boughtfor me stuffs from Phuket.

I felt so guilty not buying her any presents so me & bf's mom walked around Compass Point, in search of a last-minute bdae present.
Bf's mom bought for her a mini heart-shaped cake.
While me, bought for her 3 stalks of fresh pink roses.

Actually, I was very dumb when selecting the flowers.
The flowers i chose was the flowers used in Chinese funerals.
Which resulted me getting scolded by bf's mom.
imagine la.
i wanted to buy chrysanthemum for her eh..

Guess what Kak Ina bought for me..

Billabong thingy..

Billabong bikini.

of course i love them.
but i would love them more if they are not pink.
see, that's why i love money more as a present

but hey, it's the thought that counts.
& not many ppl would buy for me billabong stuffs.
so, i must feel contented and lucky.

& come to think of it, this year is the best birthday ever, so far.
SO MUCH MUCH presents..

&& bf's first sis is back in Singapore today!!
It was a surprise and boy, was i surprised.
I think her hubby was left alone in US.
But she and Jayden is back.

Later, i'm going to go Yishun!!
Bf's sis bought like a lot of stuffs for me too.
So, i must go and redeem.
Jayden will turn 1 in a matter of days!!
August babies are the coolest babies ever.

Let me see..
6 Aug - Bf's dad
9 aug - Singapore
10 Aug - Aki. (i forgot ur name ley but i think it's Aki la..)
13 Aug - Me.
14 Aug - Kak Ina
followed by Jayden Lee Sai Mun & Kok Wen Ting.

sry wen ting, i forgot ur bdae.
i saved it in my old hp and my cool hp doesn't have your bdae in it.
but i think it's on the 29th.

can't wait to go drinking~!!
drink til you puke.

okay babies, i'll be updating more as soon as i come back from Yishun.
In the mean time, look at Kak Ina's kittens.
They grow up already.
& they're fur very nice already.
very ang moh..

&&&& kontot, the elder sis, is PREGNANT~!!
it's like a making kittens factory in Kak Ina's house.

Mother cat - 'so big already still wanna suck my nipples!'

Watcha looking at?!

See the first kitten. So white. like siberian husky.

Kontot, the pregnant one.

hello~ omg. so cute..

ang moh.


dozing off~

before i interrupt them..

after interrupting them. haha. they look so angry.

i think i'm a cat freak.
get one now..
or u want to wait until kontot give birth.

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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