Monday, July 28, 2008
♥ 7:13 PM
PACC sucks.
the 2nd CA didn't really worked out for me.
Pat slept over my house yesterday with the sole purpose of completing our project.
it wasn't fruitful, though.
I should have slept at 2.30am yesterday but with constant irritation coming from Pat, i slept around half an hour later!
She's a teletubby in disguise today.
purple dress with tinky winky's fav thing.
dipsy-green underwear.
po 'la senza's' bra.
and lala-coloured headband.
had 3.5hours of BREAK!
cos we dont have to attend CD lessons anymore.
what me and wen ting did for the 3.5hrs was rare.
more emphasis on 'quietly'.
went to meet Mr Clarence something for a brief overview of what's going to happen tmr.
it's not confirmed whether tmr's event will be a big one or a small one.
so, we are uncertain on whether the press are coming or not.
but, what i know for sure is that there's FOOD tmr.
i've been such a glutton.
a $4 glutton.
Fried rice + fried chicken drumstick = $4.
doesn't taste good!
when i was paying for the food, i didn't realise that it was expensive.
i only realised it when i ate it halfway.
i shd STOP SPENDING unnecessarily.
took 185 home.
as usual, slept like an improper passenger.
head tossing everywhere.
i hope i didn't snore.
got back home, my mom gave me a nagging session.
on how my room is untidy.
so irritating la, mother!
on the same note, young people are dying nowadays.
it's so scary..
more accidents..
well, we cant question God.
the world is going to end soon.
SOON people, SOON~!!
& we will extinct like dinosaurs.
future creatures from the new world will use our bones as 'fossils' and discoveries.
we, humans, might be in documentaries just like 'walking with dinosaurs'.
now, do u still have doubts on retribution?
retribution from the Earth.
We destroy her by our ignorance.
and her payback.
& more..
do u still still still have doubts on karma?
it's up to the individuals.
believe it or not, i've been nice.
ok. no link.
TO PUT: last warning eh msg msg kau.
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, July 26, 2008
♥ 3:56 PM
It's a fucking long time since i've:
1. watch a movie
2. go shopping
3. eat at an expensive restaurant
4. earn big big bucks
5. party
6. make enemies
7. exercise
8. play soccer
9. go on dates
10. play monopoly
I'm suppose to be doing homeworkS.
An essay.
& i've lost tracks of my other homeworks.
I think i'm in trouble.
Emotionally troubled.
Pat will know!
Oh no, it's a sin.
It's been a looong time since my bf date me out.
what a loser. (kidding)
I'm so mean.
But it's true eh..
I mean, he does not fulfill his duties as a bf.
So, i google-d 'What a boyfriend should do for you?'.
The Results.
1. Everything..He should be willing to do any and everything for you.
2. When she walks away from you mad
(Follow her)
When she stare's at your mouth
(Kiss her you idiot)
When she pushes you or hit's you
(Grab her and dont let go)
When she start's cussing at you
(Don't cuss back and make her feel worse,
just deal with it for the time being)
When she's quiet
(Ask her whats wrong,
but not a billon times when she says nothing)
When she ignore's you
(Give her your attention)
When she pull's away
(Pull her back)
When you see her at her worst
(Tell her she's beautiful)
When you see her start crying
(Just hold her and dont say a word)
When you see her walking
(Sneak up and hug her waist from behind)
When she's scared
(Protect her)
When she lay's her head on your shoulder
(Tilt her head up and kiss her)
When she steal's your favorite shirt
(Let her keep it and sleep! with it for a night)
When she tease's you
(Tease her back and make her laugh)
When she doesnt answer for a long time
(Reassure her that everything is okay)
When she look's at you with doubt
(Back yourself up)
When she say's that she like's you
(She really does more than you could understand, completly true)
When she grab's at your hands
(Hold her's and play with her fingers)
When she bump's into you
(Bump into her back and make her laugh)
When she tell's you a secret
(Keep it safe and untold)
When she looks at you in your eyes
(Don't look away until she does)
When she misses you
(She's hurting inside)
When you break her heart
(The pain never really goes away)
When she says its over
(She still wants you to be hers)
by Skyla
3. this is damn funny.
i'm BORED!
how can a person marry the same guy for the rest of her life?
as quoted by my 2nd sis with a disgusted face, 'Marriage is selfish. Having to be stuck with one person with the rest of your life?'
she said that because she just broke up with her bf. -.-
and probably because the guy doesnt wanna marry her...
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, July 25, 2008
♥ 4:14 PM
Stupid things happened yesterday.
I think it was a result of the three of us wearing the same coloured tops.
What happened to Wen Ting?
Fell sick.
Temperature 38.4 degrees celsius.
Could not go home as test started at 5.15pm.
So, she had to tolerate the air-conditioned room.
What happened to Pat?
She was strolling to the bus stop to go to school.
With her laptop thrust to her chest with her arms supporting the laptop.
Out of a sudden, she saw something that looked like a caterpillar on her hand.
She freaked out causing her laptop to fly upwards and then hit the floor and rolled.
Turned out that the 'caterpillar' was her fake lash. -.-
She tried to switch her laptop on.
It was working well but the display showed a black screen.
What happened to me?!!
I woke up earlier than usual.
After i shower and changed, i had a lot of time.
A lot of free time to notice a white pouch on the dining table.
So, as a busybody, i took out its content.
There was this electric-toothbrush lookalike.
and the tip looked like an eyebrow brush.
So, i switched it on and tried it on my eyebrow.
I was like, "What the hell is this for?"
So, I read the manual.
The part on 'shaving' scared the hell out of me.
I looked back at the tip of the thing.
There was hair!
i looked into the mirror.

look at the left eyebrow!
i had to draw my eyebrow in order to go to school w/o embarassment.
stupid shaver.
just some random photos taken yesterday.

Today, Wen Ting couldn't join us for school.
She was sick!
Let's look on the bright side.
The three of us scored very well for STATS CA2!!
97/100, 96/100 & 93/100.
we shall go to university tgt.
& yes..
i had to entertain Pat all day because Wen Ting was not in school.
& i had to ask Pat to shut up at some point.
so mean.. =)
Our DBMS teacher asked me & Pat to standby for dont know what where we had to be formally dressed on Tuesday.
I think we were told to speak in Malay.
how uh?
Saya berasa bangga untuk menjadi sebahagian dari kors(course) ini kerana....
what am i going to say.
maybe we will be on television.
why malay?
`i am me, not someone else
Sunday, July 20, 2008
♥ 6:44 PM
Fuck OK!i wrote an entry so long & my laptop HANGED! i go again, with much less enthusiasm.
the camera i'm currently using.a gift from my eldest sis to me.quite out-dated, i think.who cares.SATURDAY & SUNDAYAfter so much hesitation whether i shd go out or not, i decided to go out.Haha.Met Pat & Shi Lin at Bugis.I reached there around 10pm.Pat got a shock from this guy tapping her shoulder.Her reaction was priceless.Ate some noodles at Toast Box.We were one of the last customers there.BLABLABLA.
I looked awful & ugly that day.So, keep the insults to yourself.
me, cant be bothered with grooming.
Pat, Shi lin
After 3 cancellations on whether we are going drinking or not, we decided to go.Pat made a few phone calls & off we went to Clarke Quay and wait for the rest.Me & Pat strolled through Clarke Quay for 1.5hours until they came.Soon, we got sick & tired of each other.haha.Bumbed into 2nd sis' friends.Bumbed into Rohit.Bumbed into Nur Hakim.So, 1.5 hours later, they came.It was 1.30am by then.Initially wanted to drink at Sahara but they closes at 3am.So, we ended up in this cinone pub.Depressing songs, depressing-looking people.No dancing. No english songs.Not even RnB.The guys decided to open a bottle of Martell.I wanted Vodka desperately but I had no say.Because eventually, it's the guys who have to pay, not me.So, i was fine with martell.Didn't drink that much.Not a big fan of Martell.Left the scene around 4am.Me, Pat & Mel took NR back home.I decided to sleep over at Pat's crib.We took NR to Holland V and then took cab.Upon our arrival, we didn't really felt sleepy.So, we took pictures.Normal & silly pictures.I brought along my sis' cotton on pajamas!whahaha.we only slept at 6am.
I look like a cow.
Cow & Piglet.
Cotton On pajamas rocks.Pat has polaroid camera, action sampler camera and this weird looking camera.I'm amazed.

Woke up at 1.30pm.
Bought brunch from Bukit Timah Plaza.Slacked, slacked and slacked.Marathon F.R.I.E.N.D.S dvd.Soon, we got bored and decided to bake some cookie/biscuits.
the icing.
the dough.
our star shapes a bit funny.
So, we end up slacking again. Played with the Osim U-Zap.My tummy was burning when i used it.Never buying it.haha.Left from Pat's house soon after more slacking.Reached home around 10pm.MONDAYWoke up so early to perm my hair.In preparation for the later part of the day.Dinner&Dance.Pat was called a Bimbo by our Maths teacher.was damn funny.Randomly sang 'It's so romantic~' causing a stranger to laugh at us.Me and Wen Ting finds it fun to disturb Pat.We were mean.But we love each other.haha.Had a Pizza session for CD class.So fun.So relaxing.We ordered 8 pizzas.Ordered some soft drinks.

Wen Ting emo.

I swear Wen Ting look 10million times better in real life.

They look as if they are doing a presentation.
The class.Left school at 4pm.Reached work , accompanied by Aman & Sufi, around 5pm.Everyone had to gather there before boarding the bus.
Took a few photos at the store.
I forgot her name.
Koh Wee.
Uma, Nazri, Haziq.
I only know the middle one is called Ann.The dinner&dance was held at The Arena, Clarke Quay.Theme: Olympics.So everyone had to wear something related to the theme.I can't be bothered so i wore a polo tee.IT WAS GREAT.It was my first time in The Arena.i love everything about the club.very sophisticated yet have the fun element in it.Love the details on the huge mirrors.The place was quite big.Around Zouk's size.&& FREE FLOW OF DRINKS.i was a happy employee.because the company booked the whole club, the drinks were free.Ranging from Non-alcoholic to alcoholic drinks.haha.I drank only 4 Vodka Orange & 2 Whiskey something.It was waaaay better than drinking Martell.Sorry, but i damn Martell so much.HAHA.The lucky draw was amazing.The prizes they gave out was amazing.LCD television.Grand Piano.Barbie Doll Collector's item.Ferrogamu(i dont know if its spelt right) cash vouchers.& more.Had buffet dinner.Soon, 11pm, I left the scene with Mariana, Naz & Haziq.I was quite high but sober.Dropped my bag for no reasons.Left my wallet in the toilet and realised it's disappearance only when i wanted to tap my ezlink.But an honest, kind cleaner gave the wallet to me when i was running towards the toilet.Having doubts on whether i was sober or not, Haziq & Naz tested me.THEM: What country flag is this? (waving a Germany flag)ME: (confidently) ITALY!THEM: What is 49 X 47?ME: umm. (think and think and think)THEM: Sudah sudah (enough enough)But i was definitely 100% not drunk.I have become a good drinker week by week.
Happy Faizul.
Yaaaaaaaam Seeennnnnnnggggggggggg.

Look at my hair! =)
Naz, Zaini, Reyhan.
Me, Naz, Beheaded Zaini, Haziq.
Me & Zaini's gf whom i knew for only 5 minutes.
NEVERMIND the armpit, ppl!
Soon, i reached home and cant be bothered to bath or change.So....BAM!
Wen Ting: 'Eee. Porn!'Me: I was wearing a tube.... -.-TUESDAYI never fail to come late for econs class!!3 minutes late considered as late!!Other tutors usually give us 10 to 15 mins allowance.But econs?!!ARGH!Why must there be obstacles hindering me from loving econs!!Just as i was about to relax as the day was quite peaceful, econs test came to mind!!It will be held on this thursday & i havent studied!damn. damn. damn.i will screw u econs.i will brutally handle you today & tmr.BRUTALLY!!! >=(
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, July 18, 2008
♥ 9:29 PM
hello ppl.
finally, a day where i can really rest and get enough sleep!
PACC test over.
Presentation over.
Statistic test finally over!
& guess what ppl?
it was easy peasy cheesy.
it was farking easy that the probability of me getting 90marks is 0.7.
ok.. maybe 0.8.
& u know what...
my econs result was out three or two days ago.
i got 81%!~
quite cool uh.
my hardwork was well-deserved.
today, school started at 10am.
i thought 9am then school start.
so, i woke up at 7am.
when i was about to go out at 8am, i checked my timetable..
so, i watched FRIENDS from 8am to 9am.
just nice.
took 185 instead of taking train.
bumbed into Navin, Pat, Elaine & Disgusting Guy all at once.
Pat was shocked that i was early.
i'll vow to reach school early!
upon reaching the classroom, teacher gave us Dove Armicelli each.
so nice~
school ended at 3pm.
stats test started at 5.15pm.
during the interval, the whole class went to an empty classroom and so called 'did our revision'.

me & pat.

loner.. hahahaha.

here comes my opponent.

adui.. impression: trying to smile but was in pain.

even Benjamin was suffering..
liling was strong maybe because of my banana milk.
the banana milk that is having a 2 for $2 promotion in 7-11.
promotion ends 22nd July!
i made Pat stuck on 'Mon amour Mon Ami' song.
tmr, we're going drinking!
FREE drinking.
life is so wonderful..
asked sinyi along but she will be working.
so, ppl out there.. who wants to join, give me a call.
invitation is limited to my gfs & bfs only.
FREE ppl, FREE...
more peeps = more fun.
and the best part of it is that it is boyfriend excluded~!
i'm so mean.
mean= (n+1)/2
`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
♥ 10:32 PM
Saturday..was lazy to go out but made an effort to lift up my buttocks from the sofa.showered, packed and off to take bus 30.went ecp for class bbq with Navin.i was so confident and told Navin that the bus will stop exactly at east coast.turned out, i was wrong..(as usual)so, we took another bus from bedok interchange.blablabla.played some balls.didn't play volleyball though.but i definitely played football.very fun.actually, it made my day.bbq-ed..i love the sambal stingray.very damn ong yang yang came.soon after, mr ben cho, came but left.we met ms ong yang yang's children.she's the most kind teacher i've ever had!& i wanna learn from her.i know all my classmates would agree!she's too nice..may god bless her and her family.why am i so deep?so, here are the pictures.
Yun Sen.
everyone was sweaty..
trying so hard to pose as if it was a candid shot.
look guys, i got us more helium!& that's Pearlyn, my lesbian partner.
homosexuality IS contagious! nah. just kidding.
.... guess, i wasn't kidding afterall
my two favourite guys in class!we played truth or dare.was kindda lame but the truth definitely shocked me.didn't regret going.left ecp at midnight, like cinderella.but this cinderella took a cab instead.was late to meet bf at marina square as i thought he already booked the movie tix.i ended up playing pool with bf, haq & ain.i sucked at playing pool.after playing pool, we took a cab to Plaza Sing & took the 2am movie.we watched 'Hancock'.not bad but a bit weird.cabbed back to yishun & zZZzZzzzzZz.woke up by a call from was supervisor asked me where i was.he told me that i shd be at work at 2pm.i SWEAR i didn't know that i was suppose to i was still groggy, i think i told him that 'i dont wanna go'.he kept quiet for a while & then said okay.haha.i tried to get back to sleep but couldn't!!damn.left yishun around 5pm and headed home to study for PACC!!CA2.why so fast one uh?CA after CA.anyway, SP = Singapore Poly = Sure Pass.i have nth to worry, study, told me he wanted to come, i waited and 2am, i gave up on waiting and slept.when i was about to disengage my mind, body and soul from the world, he, anyway, entertain him for a while & then pass the responsibility of entertaining him to my laptop while i went to a deep sleep.woke up at .... idk.then, went to school.lectures..tutorials..PACC CA2: 5.15pm to 6.15pm.Work: 6pm to 11pm.u tell me how i want to go to work on time??so, PACC was a bitch!really!!somehow, it was difficult.I was IQ challenged!after it was over, rushed to home.yesterday was not bad..only that, our group met to discuss on the presentation for was no doubt a loong day.end around evening.i reach home, i slept straight away.woke up at 3am...did case studies and cosmetics on slides for the project.did final touch up.met the group in school at 8am.half an hour early before the real presentation starts.we were so nervous.why?because it carries a 40% much ley.our group presentation's was quite rocky at the start but ended up in a not bad way.haha.anyway, i bought happy meal for breakfast from mac.i got a myscene doll.played with it when the other groups were presenting.thank, fast forward, here i am.still not showered yet..and it's lazy to bath la!!peace & bath.
`i am me, not someone else