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Monday, June 30, 2008
♥ 12:39 AM

let's talk about aliens!
i'm currently watching 'UFO files' on the history channel.
it's very interesting.
way interesting than amy winehouse punching one of her fans.

aliens actually exists.
i didn't actually believe about the phenomenon.
however, they actually interviewed the abductees.
they abducted these victims to perform some experiments.

these abductees were coma-cised (not an official word), meaning they were kept still by the aliens.
the aliens brought them to their world.
a man abductee remembered an alien (perhaps female) performed sexual intercourse on him.
it also happened to a female abductee.

both of them concluded that it was for some research.
and they were sent back to earth, with no memories of the abduction.
then, the female abductee got pregnant and was abducted again.
the aliens took the baby and sent her back to earth.

then, 9 years later, the female abductee... ok, let's call her Emily.. Emily was abducted yet again.
this time, the aliens left her in a room with her daughter.
the abductees, i think, only recalled about the abduction when they went for hypnotherapy.
anyway, before i make this post BORING, i should stop blabbering about aliens.

i have a secret.
i think they are very interesting and knowledgable.
and is useful and all the other positive points that geeks would agree to.
i dont care if u wanna call me a geek.

so, back to the non-geek world.

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, June 28, 2008
♥ 2:02 AM

finally, i went out.
yesterday, was fun fun fun!
went out with sinyi and mira.
it was a no paper day.
no more mugging.
just me, gfs and town.

i had statistics paper today.
& my day started rough.
sort of.

after having only 4 hours of sleep, i forced myself to wake up and hit the the notes.
i went out the house in a rush with a selekeh face.
board the bus and ezlink had no value.
then i thought 'OH SHIT!'.
i didnt know my exam venue.

& as most friends shd know, my line was cut.
so, no outgoing smses and calls.
the thought of me going into each and every class to check whether i have the right venue was just sickening.
i panicked a little.
went to top up my ez link...
& poof! aman was there.

so, i borrowed his phone and called wen ting for the venue.
thank god.
and guess what?
i accidentally dropped aman's phone.
what a nice way to say thank u.

while i was using his phone, i asked him to hold on to mine cos it was quite irritating at the moment.
i returned his phone and bid goodbye.
tapped in.
stepped on the escalator.
1 seconds.
2 seconds.
3 seconds.
i ran down the escalator like a mad girl.
and went back to aman just to ask whether my handphone was with him or not.
it turned out that it was in my bag, indicating that i did the escalator stunt for nothing.

i was so messed up.
i was running late.

& indeed i was late.
3 minutes late.

the paper was very bitchy..
8 marks for a qn that should be worth 2marks?
if i get the qn right, then 8 marks awarded.
but if i get it wrong?
8 marks gone..
how cool..

when i was walking to dover mrt on the way back home, there were two group of guys, approximately 50m away from each other, went cheering at me when i walked past them.
so, 2 different cheers in 10 seconds.
i could hear the cheering with my earpiece on.
i was alone.
& i was embarrassed...twice!
everyone else stared at me.

i looked down and continued my journey back home.
went back home and boom! i slept.
bf was still sleeping when i reached home.
lazy lazy bum!

went to work at 6pm.
things were messy.
but end up smooth.

got my pay.
paid my bills.
i would like to thank pat, wen ting, mira and sinyi for allowing me to use their phones in times of emergency.
oh.. and not forgetting aman.

tmr working!

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
♥ 10:39 PM

feeling down?

here's some videos to make your day.

monday - PACC

tuesday - economics

wednesday - DBMS and maths

thursday - null

friday - statistics



`i am me, not someone else

Monday, June 23, 2008
♥ 2:00 PM

i realized my blog is song-less.
so, here's one.

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, June 22, 2008
♥ 10:21 PM

my hands are bloody itchy.
suddenly, out of nowhere, i feel like blogging.
maybe i'm too lonely.
maybe a tiny symptom of depression.


so, im done with three chapters.
two more to go!

somehow, mugging rocks!


here's a list of ppl who suddenly re-surfaced.
& im glad they did... sort of..
1. Hilmi
2. Fazil
3. Syed Ahmad
4. Noreen
5. 2nd sis
6. Yi Yong

ppl who needs to be re-surfaced.
1. GFs & a BF!
2. BF!
3. Pat&WenTing
4. Val!

i seriously have nothing to talk about.
this mind of mine is too contained with PACC.
PACC= Principles of ACCounting.

maybe i had too much practices in
When i entered that website, the website name looked so inspiring.
"The power of practice" !
i think i know what the power of practice can lead me to....

aku pening.

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, June 21, 2008
♥ 1:00 AM

or shd i say boys.
they just love to keep breaking your heart into pieces.
and then they will keep doing it until u feel numb.
best thing ever, they don't and won't feel any tinge of remorse.

let's just say, they suck!

i won't care about him.
i will only care about my studies.

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, June 20, 2008
♥ 2:07 AM

so, i went to city plaza AGAIN! with 2nd sis.

she did another 55 strands.

at a diferent shop, though.

much better shop but it was filled with china ppl.

after that, went to picturehouse and watched get smart.

very very funny!

i broke into laughter for no reasons after the movie..

cos the scenes kept repeating and repeating in my head.

someone said im beautiful.

inside and out.

i was flattered la.

but then i think back.

am i?

i think im turning into a bitch.

it's something pat and wen ting will understand.


i will try to be NICE to YOU ppl out there.

i won't be damn sarcastic and offend YOU ppl out there.

i will try to smile at every soul in public.

i won't gossip about fat and ugly ppl anymore because i believe in karma.

lastly, i won't walk like a bitch!

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
♥ 3:35 PM

i didn't wanna blog.
but the urge won't go away.
so, i guess i'm blogging a bit to shrug off the feeling.

was suppose to study with pat and wen ting but cancelled!
so, i went to accompany my 2nd sis to city plaza to get hair extensions.
it sucked!
lucky not my hair.

she asked for 145 strands.
$1 per strand.
AND the big-nosed hairdresser who also sucked at doing eyelash extension on me did 80 strands of hair on my sis.
$2 per strand.
wtf right.
so, my sis had every reason to be unhappy.
at last, she concluded, there's karma.
try calculating what amount she paid and what amount she was suppose to pay.

after the extension, we went to watch 'the incredible hulk'!
it was.. well.. awesome.
the graphics were awesome.
but i hate the ending.
the ending somehow suggested that the next movie will be a collaboration of hulk and iron man.

because stark appeared at the ending of hulk movie.
and stark industries appeared at the starting of the movie.

enough blogging.
i took one week off not to blog but to study!
and apparently, yesterday i did no studying except for reviewing notes!

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, June 15, 2008
♥ 11:23 PM

anyway, i've got alot of things in mind to talk about but i forgot.
oh well.

1. power rangers.
2. secrets of barney and rat in the hat.
3. spca.
*mind blank*
*still blank*
4. google-d myself
5. 16 months anniversary
6. father's day

these 5 buggers came to my store on saturday, making a public appearance at 1pm, 3pm and 5pm.
i didnt know they were coming.
so, when two customers asked me whether they're coming, i literally laughed and said no, that's impossible.

i was working around 2plus and the fcuker on the extreme right of the picture aka green ranger snooped at me from behind.
so, when i turned, i was so damn shocked la.
firstly, it's because i'm used to turning and see human beings.
secondly, he was like 20cm near me.

by witnessing my reaction, the non-human being laughed at me.
i feel like slapping him.
and pink ranger really does have boobs and wear skirt.

see the similarities?
two days back, i was actually socializing with my new colleagues.
then, there was this guy who is an undergrad.
he's taking psychology and sociology in the next semester.
and i thought it was real cool to study psychology.

little did i know that psychology studies sex.
so, he told me that when i see someone wearing purple-coloured tops, they are sexually deprived.
then i went 'OHH!' like i had an epiphany like that.
so i told them no wonder Barney and Rat in the Hat behave like that.
& everything makes so much sense.

no wonder the songs goes like this 'i love u. u love me. we're a happy family. with a great big hug and a kiss for me to you. wont u say u love me too?' and not 'i wanna fcuk you. you already know'.
i know you'd be thinking what's my point?
read in between the lines and you'll get the idea.
just think about tinky winky too.

& their voices!
sounds very sexually deprived too.
at least hi-5 sounds merrily and at the same time not deprived.

& what's up with bananas in pajamas?
they look like two dicks wearing an out-dated condoms.
i realised children shows are damn weird!
does it mean that i'm getting more matured?
dont even let me start on yo gabba gabba.

next topic!

i'm going to SPCA tomorrow morning!
going to send kak ina's cat for operation.
i dont know what's wrong with her cat.
bf's mom also want to find a dog to adopt so that sha sha won't be socially-doggy deprived.
do you know that dog has body odour when they grow old?
they do.

maybe i can bumb into my ex-cats, Mos'def, Nelly, Lady J, Missy, Fuzzy and Sakura there.
& i just love animals.
they are so cute no matter how ugly they can get.
doraemon' s not bad.
i hate hello kitty, though.
big bird's not cute.
just too big.

and to show my support for SPCA, i adopted a virtual pet over at their website.
it's much more real than neopets.

i google-d myself!
i was surprised la.
when i entered 'atika', the first thing was a picture of an european atika half-naked with a also half-naked guy fondling her.
so, for once, i'm glad the atika wasn't me!

next, talk about atika suri and atika shubert.
some random atikas.

'ATIKA SYSTEM: Adhesives and mechanical closure for baby diapers'
directly copied and pasted.
atika system?
sounds so very weird.

however, when i google-d 'hatreddoll', everything was about me!
first picture- me!
first website- me!
second and subsequent website- me! me! me!

from my myspace to my blog to my friendster and even my youtube videos came out.
i don't know why i'm so proud also.
oh well..

anyway, atikathi is 16 months old!
i didn't know i can be so dedicated in a relationship.
thumbs up, atika.

so, father's day huh.
celebrated with bf's parents instead.
as you guys DON'T know, my parents recently got a divorce.
and my relationship with my dad is a bit strained.

since i'm much closer to bf's parents instead of mine, decided to spend the day with them.
had late lunch over at sakura northpoint.
lunch was on bf and bf's mom.
ate like a pig and i have a thing for chinese tea already.
just like kak ann.

i think i'm blabbering too much.
i'm so worried.


`i am me, not someone else

Friday, June 13, 2008
♥ 9:17 PM

guess what.
for the past 3 days 3 nights, my mom and youngest sis wasn't at home.
& still not home yet.
guess guess what.
she's on a freaking holiday!

i am atika, your daughter.
the least u could do before going on a holiday(which apparently doesn't include me), is tell me.
so that i can ask from u money to survive.

and so.
i did the laundry, wash the dishes, keep the house tidy, threw the garbage and.. COOK!
surprise surprise..
atika can cook.
today i cooked myself a 'ikan masak lemak cili padi'.
fortunately, it really turned out well.
on the other hand, i had diaarhoea!

so, point noted.
don't cook anymore.
stick to eggs.
my eggs tasted so goood. (sounds wrong...)

well, at work..
something out of the ordinary happened.
a group of guys from other outlets were at my outlet since yesterday to help re-shop the whole store.
anyway, they were being irritating and kept disturbing and giving me funny faces.
when my breaktime came, i had to eat alone.
because, unfortunately, gary doesn't want to eat.

anyway, i ate at the lunchroom.
everybody does.
and those group of boys were there repacking stuffs.
i knew i was doomed before i got in.
i mean, go in there alone?
so, i said my prayers and went in and pretend that putri, mira, sinyi and rusydi are with me eating.

soon i went in, they striked!
only one came over and talked to me.
i told him i was attached.
he asked me for my number.
i said, NO!

u think it stopped there?
nah uh, he wasn't satisfied.
he improvised a tactic on the spot by borrowing my phone and dialled his own number.
to slow readers: he did that to get my number.
so, god was on my side.
actually, m1 was on my side.
my line got terminated and cant do outgoing calls.

and, u know what satisfied me?
his agony!
anyway, he surprised me by saving his number on my phone instead.
how desperate.

hours later, when i was about to go home, he said with a cheeky face and a hand signal, 6, which looks like a phone, 'call me'.
how sick.
but at the same time funny la.
i did laugh.

bad news, stalker.
good news, he's cute.
more bad news, very gangster type who lives in teck whye.
more good news, i'm not going to call him. DUHH!

my blog has become my new girlfriend.
someone/something who i can talk to about boys.
finally, i have a girlfriend who/that doesn't whine.
actually, quite true la.

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, June 12, 2008
♥ 2:00 AM

i really feel lonely.

i've been sleeping around 3am-4am almost everyday.
there's no food at home.
thank god i had dinner over at fish&co just now.
it was on kak ina.
& i want to thank bf's mom and kak ina for the emotional support.
not forgetting shub.

wasnt suppose to work today but one of my colleague got sick.
so, i went to the rescue by coming in at 3pm.
& then i felt sick.
so, basically, i worked 3 hours today.
so much for coming to the rescue.

i feel so... not complete.
let's stop this silent treatment!!!!!!!!!
talk to me!

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
♥ 6:35 PM

some fun facts..
i was so bored that i filled my brain with knowledge.

i really didn't know little red riding hood's was biddy.
i didn't know she has a weird name.


this video is so scary..
Yo gabba gabba is a new Nick Jr show.
Although the songs are catchy, it's still weird.
Yo Gabba Gabba is the new teletubbies.

also, check out elijah wood dancing with them!
very very funny.

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 3:11 PM

i was sick.
& i'm still sick.

two days ago, i slept over bf's place and woke up around 5am, finding myself having flu and just woke up from a nightmares plus noseblock plus flu plus sore throat plus 9 times of going to the loo just to pee really frustrated me.
as a result, i cried like baby.

i barely had enough sleep.
& bf can still be sound asleep.

one box of tissue was used up by me.
& there was no tissue left for my irritating nose.
so i went to esso by myself and bought 5 boxes of tissue.
and continued blowing my nose till it felt 'pedih'.

so, for the whole day, i was bed-ridden and took as many medicine as i could.
2 panadol for cold hot remedy.
2 paracetamol for flu.
bf's mom told me to drink japanese green tea w/o sugar.
i drank prendjak tea.
& NONE of these remedies were served by bf!

moral of the story, he didnt take care of me.
only bf's mom did! =(
he still can play soccer somemore lor..
i swear not to give him anymore massages when he complains that his body is aching.

i was supposed to work on monday but apparently, i didnt.
so i did a bit of revision and more of taking care of myself.
today is my off day.
so.. more revising and tv.
i feel better now..
fever gone.
sore throat going to be gone too.
flu is still here.
sometimes, i feel like cutting my nose off.

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, June 06, 2008
♥ 2:49 AM


my boyfriend's the best.

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 2:40 AM

this is a very very weird conversation..

putri was right when she said he is a psycho..
this is the reason why he creeps the hell out of me..
and why we lasted for less than a day?

*i'm so not gonna talk to him anymore.

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 12:05 AM

'touch my body' is damn irritating.
it's on mtv right now and the lyrics goes 'touch my body' nonstop.
horny slut..
mrs nickelodeon, if u know wad i mean..
none of my business, anyway..

2nd day of work..
fine.. except tat Suba gave a surprise visit which resulted me in not doing work properly..
working at my current workplace(note tat i DO NOT wanna mention where i'm working at) is so far a place that i'm not noisy at..
i'm so anti-social la.
i'm surprised..

anyway, i love aman!!
just realised tat there's no other better playmate in msn than him(jgn kembang.. and i know playmate sounds wrong).
i started to develop this feeling cos i have been winning..
rather than those minesweeping times..
i love tic-a-tac poker.

i love mira.
i love rusydi.
i love putty.
i love sinyi.
i love val.
i love wen ting.
i love patricia.

i know..
i'm feeling gay right now..
gay as in happy.

h***i can go and die..
lie and lie and lie..
lie and die rhymes.
not bad..

rihanna's voice is irritating..
stop loving and criticising, atika.

work ended at 6.30pm.
went to bugis to meet mirame and rusy.
sin yi bubble.
chill at bugis..

somehow, i feel that rusy hated me.
he 'accidentally' dropped my bag and cap on a puddle of water.
i know he did it unintentionally la..
so, i had to dry them with starbucks' serviettes.
wad a mess.
and i accidentally threw my wet serviettes at some guy stranger.

anyway, no pictures..

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
♥ 3:57 PM

hello wednesday.
- work
- friends
- school work
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S

i have to write the agenda to guide me in writing this entry.
i'm a very forgetful person.

so, yesterday was my first day at work.
one thing that sucks is that i need to put on a cap..
other than that, it was plain old work...
lucky for me, there were 2 of my colleagues who are also in SP.
year 1..
like me.. =)

we talked about ppl in our school and stuffs and i had dinner with them.
it was a new environment to me as it's hard to adapt to see familiar faces everywhere.
the result of working so near to home.
i bumbed into winnie and eileen from IJC soccer team.
they bought a bobo.
oh.. i was assigned to cashier-ing all day..
good thing about this job is tat it's so near to home.

i miss all my closest friends!!
you know who you are.
& to get in touch with them is by visiting their blogs.
only Rusydi has no blog, from what i know.

i'm so worried and guilty of not spending my time revising.
& to make it up to my dear studies, i'll be hitting the books after i'm done blogging.
i love studying.
obstacle: being so very lazy.

I really wanna do well in Polytechnic.
This is to make up to withdrawing from JC.
I wanna prove to myself that i can do it.
Oh.. anyway, poly life is 100 times easier than JC.
but at the same time, it is challenging with all the smart asses in my course.

I've never been so addicted to F.R.I.E.N.D.S like today.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S never fails to make me laugh.
their joke fits my sense of humour.
I love Joey, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Chandler, Ross.


songs tat im loving...
- addicted to me
- tired of being sorry

that's all i can think of.
that's weird...

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, June 02, 2008
♥ 10:44 PM

i'll cut things short.
i lazy to explain what happened at IMH.
so i'll just copy and paste my conversation with aman.

- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: aper bende psl IMH (what is it about IMH?)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: i didnt know it would be R21
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: first bontot aku kene poke poke (my butt got poked)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: tak paham (dont understand)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: by a sound man..
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: sound man?
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: as in opposite of unsound
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: hahaha
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: kat 7-11 imh
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: haha ok
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: then our patients are male patients..
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: mostly old.
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: imh ader 7-11? lol. btol2 mental
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: then?
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: picit start btw (unnecessary)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: kau tau those hospital pants... (u know the hospital pants)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: but its not long pants..
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: ...
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: length of bermudas......
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: 3/4s, yeaa
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: kan sluar ader 2 holes for the legs (u know pants got two holes?)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: yeaa... jgn bantai bush. (don't beat about the bush)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: dorang tk pkai suar dalam... (they didnt wear underwear)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: .........
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: abeh dier kluar kan tu bende. (then they took out the thing)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: and i was traumatised..
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: almost cried...
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: then kau tak complain? (then u didnt complain?)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: wrinkled and wilted..
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: giler sey (crazy sey)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: LOL
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: abehkan (then..)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: lagi satu plak tekencing kat sluar..(got another one pee in his pants)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: WOW.
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: den he undress himself infront of everyone...
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: kenapa pulak class kau pilih imh eh... (why ur class choose IMH?)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: yg tu naseb baik aku tk npk (luckily, i didnt see that)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: ENTAH LA (I DON'T KNOW LA)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: haha
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: class aku sumer npk..(my classmates all saw)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: and they were traumatised...
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: beh kau kat mana? (then, where were you?)
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: eeeeeeeeeeeeee
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: aku tgk org giler nyanyi karaoke.. (i wont translate to u..)
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: haha, k tu at least much better
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: and he was naked behind me.. so i didnt look back
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: SICK sak......
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: DD
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: dangling dick.......
‡٠Hª†®έd к££٠‡ says: UGH!!
- һίмγηaмєίѕяанмaη says: i don't know what to say to someone who's traumatized by insanity and nudity.

seriously, the trip wasn't so bad.
it's just that there are disturbing scenes in between.
karaoke session was suppose to be fun.
at least the patients had fun.
some of the patients are really kind, in a weird way.

my girl classmates was traumatized as their eyes was a virgin before the trip.
wen ting, "i didn't know balls was so black!! why uh??!!"
pat, "it was near and clear"


buah jambu. (pretty fruit. haha.)

class pic... w/o me.. =(

ok. i dont know which pictures to put out of the three. so, i post all three of them.


wen ting kept cropping her face off.

clear and near.

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 1:12 AM

i'm bored.
i'm going to unbore myself.

i'm becoming more vain. seriously.. it's so irritating.

told you i'm bored.

yea. jayden lee sai mun..
so cute.

love is in the air..

oh. i forget to post this one. quite a long time ago when pat and wen ting came over to my crib.


`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, June 01, 2008
♥ 10:16 PM

hello dear readers..
i'm so bored.
i should be studying..
but here am i.

currently at bf's place with his mom while bf is playing soccer downstairs.
i'm going home soon.
there's no place like home.

tomorrow will be my class visit to IMH.
have i mentioned about it already?
oh well, i'm quite worried actually.

crime scene.
yishun ring road blk 219.
a girl from yishun town secondary school was said to be murdered around this week.
she was said to fall from the 12th floor.
but there was blood from the 12th floor all the way to 6th floor.
so, it had to be a homicide.

the girl was said to be wild, going to parties and all.
then, recently she turned over a new leaf.
and this misfortune fell on her.

bf's friend saw the body.
it was said that both eyes was wide open.
so did the mouth.
what a terrible death..
my condolences to her family.

& guess what..
from what i know, the media didn't report on this incident.
i don't really watch the news anyway..
so, moral of the story: make more friends than enemies.

and watching sin yi hooked on mahjong, my curiousity cannot take it anymore la.
i also want to learn mahjong!!
do we have to learn chinese character to understand?
just wondering..

boyfriend is gonna be in deep shit for coming back home late..
here he is....

goodnight my dear readers...

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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