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Friday, May 30, 2008
♥ 12:51 PM

it's going to be a sad sad post.
well, maybe not sad la.
just a bit emotional.

when i have already move on and busy being happy, there you go filling my memories with the past.
Not that you did it on purpose.. i guess..
When we had the opportunity, you chose the other path.
& now, when i'm so happy and stuff, here you are telling me how u regret about your decision.

Face it.
Life sucks.

You could turn things the other way round but u didn't.
I don't blame you.
You wanted it to happen anyway.
You deserved it.

& me?
Life got better.
I'd better let all the memories stop haunting my peaceful mind.
For now, friends it is.
Or shouldn't i?


let me see.
yesterday.. school ends at 2.30pm.
Went back home... did some assignments..
6 o'clock.. assignments still not completed.. & i was late.

reached parkmall at 7.15pm instead of 6.45pm.
Val was in a foul mood.
Kept throwing her handphone on the floor.
crazy girl.

we were very early as hip hop class only starts at 8.30pm.
so, we went to the gym.
ran on a treadmill.
Val, being so stubborn, decided to ran on the treadmill when her ankle was already sprained.
Followed by a few whining about painful ankle.

So, i continued running while she did some other stuff.
Things I worked on yesterday other than running and losing 100 kcal.
The tummy thingy.
Was damn tiring.

Then, we went for hip hop.
The instructor was cute.
Ate chicken ring when dance was over.

Never play minesweeper with aman when you're doing an online assignment which carried a weightage of 5% because you'll never be able to complete it.
Thus, I asked Yun Sen, my genius classmate to tell me the answers to the qns & i scored 100%.
Basically, he did the same thing to everyone in the class.
Everyone got 100%.

I'm going to hit the gym again today!
yes.. alone!
who cares.
i'm going to have that fucking sidebox(or sideboard or whatever they call it) ok!
it's so fucking sexy.

toned body = hotness
skinny body = not hot enough

and i will feel high after exercising.
i quit smoking already.
it's been a week or two i have not taken a puff.
except for a few curry puffs.
how self-disciplined.
but i have a feeling that it won't be for long.
what am i talking about.

i'm distracted.
i just want to forget that jackass.

minesweeping session with aman turned out to be explicit.

nostalgic memories.
the auntie don't want to sell mee soto anymore. =(
look how happy i was.

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
♥ 10:46 PM

anyway, MOVIES!
I caught Indiana Jones (kingdom of the crystal skull) last saturday.
Me and Bf caught a midnight movie at JP.
Anyways, what I think of the movie is GREAT!
It was funny and very adventure-inclined.
Me and Bf was glued to the screen the whole time and that makes it a good movie.
I've heard from Wen Ting that it was so boring that she almost fell asleep.
But surprise surprise, it was the other way round for me.
I had no regrets.
Of course, what happens in Vegas was better.

I got my CRS CA1 grades!
weightage 20%.
i scored 73.5%.
I was half an hour late for CRS this morning.
So, I didn't see my marks.
Instead, Pat checked for me.
She said it was either 73 or 74.
So.. I'll leave it as 73.5 then..

my 2nd maths test score is also out.
I did better the first time..
much better..
No one will understand why I'm unsatisfied with 80% or even 70% for maths.
Sin yi stopped understanding it since secondary school.
For other subjects, 70% means a very happy me.
It's just that my expectation for maths is especially very very high.

Anyways, holidays next week!
I have 3 weeks of holidays.
I guess i'll spend my holidays working and studying.
oh.. and yoga too.

I'm going IMH on monday.
Out of so many organisations, my class chose IMH to do CIP.
Never mind.
At least i will get to know what the patients in IMH and me have in common.

Pictures pictures...
This is what happened when DBMS gets boring..

Me + Wen Ting = Meeting. (lame)

Patricia's not doing a pose. She's just covering her very chubby cheeks.

Me concentrating on touching a snowflake.

Roses are red. DBMS are blue. Who loves kenny seah? Only wen ting do.

This is what i call hydrocephalus. (if it's the right spelling)

look. insect!

My hunch, my hunch, my hunch, my hunch!

Aku mentel.

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
♥ 11:13 PM

this is what you guys have been complaining about all day when the Earth is at stake, not your make-up or whatsoever.
I know it's hot and I had to admit I whined a bit

i'm really not ready to die yet.....

On the bright side...
Sakura's long-distant cousins.
And I'm selling each of them except for the white one at any negotiable prices.

Apples & Cherries not included!

Anyway, I had my CRS CA1 today.
It was ok ok baby, i guess.
I talked more than my two friends.
I don't know whether it is a good or bad thing..
damn nervous.

Sinyi came to my school earlier today.
went for my extra class.
ate at KFC, with Sinyi enjoying feasting her eyes on half-naked hot guys by the pool.
I wanna complain about the price of RIBENA.
It's so fucking expensive la.

Actually... everything's expensive already..
yea. yea.
I know.....
Inflation and bla bla.

Interested pet owners please do tag me.

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, May 19, 2008
♥ 1:50 AM

First & Foremost, I would like to announce HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TO PUTRI NURAFZAN.
Legal & Sexy, that's what they call it.
All the best in obtaining a driver's license!!

I had this wedding attended on Saturday.
Bf's cousin wedding.
Apparently, he does not know any of his cousins.
I think the last time he and his cousin met was more than 10 years ago.

Surprisingly, we got the front table, next to the VIP.
It is located at Orchid Country Club's grand ballroom.
Some MP was invited.
With two bodyguards.
I have no idea who he was.

Anyway, Bf's cousin is the bride.
Very very very fair.
& the groom, an Indian man.

I was ask to come along by Bf's parents.
So I went...

Today, I was suppose to go out with wen ting, pat, bf, zairy & more..
but things didn't work out due to some disruption.
I'm so sorry wen ting if you were looking forward for this day.

So anyway, I had a rough day.
I was thinking whether I should go for yoga, hip hop, gym or swimming.
In the end, I went to watch Iron Man with Mira.
Ate roti prata.
It has been ages since I ate roti prata and today... I managed to stuff myself with 2 prata kosong!
All thanks to Mira..

I wonder what happened to Sinyi when I sent her to Rouge on Friday night..

Anyway, let the pictures do the talking.

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
♥ 10:33 PM


Thanks for giving 15 months of love and care that no one had ever given me.
I Love You.

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, May 11, 2008
♥ 9:04 PM

went town with bf, accompanied by haq and riyad, yesterday.

bf met the rest of his 'Mandai Hill Camp' mates.
Riyad joins them.

Me, Bf and Haq went to Far East Plaza where Bf bought a pair of Macbeth shoe for himself.
I bought a dress from Max&More.
It took him 30minutes to buy a pair shoe and it took me only 5 minutes to get a pair of heels.
He should be the gf, instead.
Oh, we went to Billboard and it took him 45minutes to choose a shirt and he ended up buying no shirt from that shop?

Went to Plaza Singapura.
Purchased a pair of couple rings at Couple Lab.
I was suppose to collect it on the 14th but I collected it today.
Next Stop: Peninsula.
I bought a tank top while Bf bought two pair of decently coloured jeans and a shirt(finally!).

& then we went to Cineleisure and meet up with Fatin, Ian, Usama and Khadija.
Thought of watching 'What Happens in Vegas' there but the time is inconvenient there.
Ordered a pre-made cookie from Famous Amos as a mother's day gift.
I collected it today.
It has customized message, colour and type of cookie.

Colour: Red, Pink, White (Don't ask me why. Idk)
Message: I love u, mom
Type: Butterscotch Chip with Pecan Nut

After that, we proceed to Lido.
Was waiting for Mira to call me but apparently she also waited for me to call her.
So, in the end we didn't meet up.

back to Lido.
Usama&Gf had a fight.
So did atikathi. (lol!)
But things were back to normal right before watching the movie.
caught a 11.40pm movie.

the theater was humongous!
that was the most huge theater i've ever been to, so far.
managed to get the back seats.
the show was VERY VERY VERY hilarious and entertaining!
everyone laughed almost every minute.
& i'm going to watch it again, i don't care.

the movie ended at 1.30am.
chilled for a bit.
& then took a cab home.
when i got home, the door was locked.
so i had to climb into my room through the window and then i fell asleep.
thanks, mom!

these are the pictures from this week.

Singapore flyer.



let's not talk about friday, girls.

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
♥ 11:32 PM

ok so.
let's flash back to saturday.
i was sleeping...

a day before - FRIDAY.
Friday as you know, being a student, starts with going to school.

& then school ends at 3pm?
went to meet sinyi, khai & arep at city hall.
went to the Singapore Flyer for the first time.
snapped nice pictures. (something like the pic in Sinyi's blog)

wasted time there.
& then I was late to meet Wen Ting & Pat.
reached at 7.30pm instead of 6.45pm.
what a bad location, Tampines, to meet them.

It should be Bedok instead as it is so much nearer to East Coast Park.
So, simultaneously, we were late meeting with the cheerleading squad.
tup tup tup.


Wen Ting had to go off early.
How i wished i went off early too.

So, from 11pm to 12.30am, we(as in 18 of us) cycled from ECP to Changi Village.
Ate there.
The sight was.. umm.. disturbing yet nice to look at with bapoks wearing SHORT SHORT mini skirts and tube top.
They were like everywhere.

Then, Old Changi Hospital which I didn't even bother to enter.
So, Rebecca, Raymond and me stayed at the bus stop and guard the bicycles while the rest of the squad went in.
They didn't last for 20 minutes and they were back.
Reason: Too Dark.

So while waiting, there's this car stopping by the curb.
Chinese guy & Malay Bapok.
Don't know what business they were doing infront of our eyes.
At least there's entertainment while waiting.
Out of boredom, I wanted to call the police and report the obscenity.
However, didn't make the call as the group was back.

Next stop.
Downtown East.
& hell yeah, we cycled there.
1am to 3am.
At that point of time, cycling was no longer fun.

Chilled at this cheerleader's chalet.
More games but with droopy eyes.
Needed MINTS at that time.

So, we left downtown east and headed back to ECP!
3am to 5am.
Instead of using the beach routes, we head for major roads.
It's suppose to be nearer.
Imagine if we followed the beach route, i think it will take us 3 hours to reach ECP?

finally, with heavy eyes and crying body(sweat), we reached ECP!
at 5+am.
rest at macs.
& a few minutes later, me and Patricia left.

Reached Yishun(Bf place. I have not moved in yet) around 7+am.
Called Bf's mom to open the door.
Bathed and BOOM!, i was dead.

woke up at 7+pm.
watched tv, eat etc.
took a cab home.

& then fast forward to today!

My first test today.
It was Mathematics and I got full marks!
I love Maths.

I hope all my friends (Mira, Sinyi, Putri, Rusydi) do well in their studies so that when we grow up, we get good jobs and get very attractive pay!!
Then, we'll shop like hell. =)

Hardwork never failed to show good results.

I miss you BF!!
Take care of yourself in the jungle.
Can't wait for your call on Wed.

Mira, you have 4 more months left and then, you'll be in the same boat as me.
Cherish it!

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, May 02, 2008
♥ 3:21 PM

i'm very happy.
that's a secret i'll never tell.

haodagan adegai fidegeel sadagad fordegor sadegam wandegan.
sidegi lodegost herdege vedegejidegitidegi todego adaga radegapidegis.

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, May 01, 2008
♥ 10:32 PM

Yesterday was a day well spent after so so long.
You wanna know why?
I spent the day with my friends, classmates, bestfriends and boyfriend in one day.

The day started out with going to school with khai & arep, the JDLs.
They wanted to apply as a librarian in SP.
So they waited for me to end lessons.
In return, I loaned them my laptop while they waited.

& then, after class, we camwhore-d in the campus.
Lots of fun!

Next, we went to Vivocity to jobhunt.
Well, actually it's just them who went jobhunting, I followed them along.
Visited the coffee club crews.
As usual, iced passion tea.

Then, we headed down to West Coast to play pool with my classmates.
Navin like trashed everyone & he won every game yesterday.
I hate playing with him because when I lose to him, I lose to him by a ball.

But that's ok i guess.
What matters most is that we had fun.
Who was there?
Me, Khai, Arep, Navin, Pearlyn, Shen yang, Jeremy, Daniel.

& then me, khai and arep bid farewell to the rest of them & head to the library.
Met Mira & Sinyi.
Point of me going to the library is to teach Mira maths but I realised I was hopeless.
I forget all about O levels maths.
Sry Mira.

A few hours later, Arep & Khai went off.
Boyfriend met us at the library.
Went to have our dinner.
It was fun!
laugh laugh laugh.
the day was quite nyonyot.

I went back home with my heart so delighted.
Slept peacefully at home without bathing and changing.
That was how tired I was.

Anyway, concerning Putri's recent post 'one angry putty walking down the street', I think it's ok as it IS her point of view.
Well, what I think is that there is really nothing wrong with girls using their own money to pay for their own food when they are with their boyfriend.
Of course, the myth of guys paying everything for their girlfriend is true to a certain extent.

Unless the Bf has the spending ability of a Hollywood artiste, then it is wrong for the girl to pay.
But if like the Bf earns like less than a K in a mth, then independent spendings comes in.
Maybe once in a while the Bf pays for ur meal or part of your shopping because the Gfs have to understand that...
1. You're not his wife.
2. If u really care about ur Bfs, of course your Bfs need to buy some guy things for themselves unless you are with him because of money not because of companionship & love. Then that's a completely different story.
3. It's your choice on what's the real reason that you're with him.

Personally, money is not everything.
Of course, every teenage girl wants to shop endlessly.
However, there's a limit to one's ability of spending even if you earn 3K a mth or wad, I don't care.
I care more about relationship than money.
Yes, money is everything.
you need it to survive and pamper yourself but relationship can't be bought with money.

There's aways an opportunity cost for everything that you do.
Note to self: There's some profound things that people won't understand but don't make it make you feel confident that whatever you say is right. (this is so not a sarcasm. it really is a note to self)
I've thought things over.

& yeah.


you know wad.
I'm tired to post the pictures.
next time kiddos!

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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