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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
♥ 9:00 PM

Express Yourself with Gizmoz Video Clips

atika with attitude.


"Hi. Play maplestory everyone. It's the place where all the cool people are. Like me. huhu. Aku giler. Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler.Aku giler."


`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, July 29, 2007
♥ 8:54 PM


`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
♥ 12:04 AM

aku tk suker font aku!
mcm kene tiup angin.

ok kids.
harry potter mania.
im so going to get my hands on tat book.
tapi tkde fulus.

but, i've got a short cut.
the summary of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
if u choose to read the book n find out yourself, then dun click on the link .
but if you're lazy, broke and curious, then this is the site for you.

spoiler sak atika ni.

anyway, harry potter and the order of phoenix is not as magnificient as i thought it would be.
but, it's still satisfactory.
the graphics made up for the loss of too much scenes not featured in the movie.

anyway, i miss my fellow innovians.
not all, but my clique.
ah hua.
u guys are invited to my bdae chalet aites?
n we'll catch up on each other's life.

anyone wondering wad i do for a living now?
im tutoring.
yes ppl, im cikgu atika.
tutoring brings big bucks though.
n u dont have to stand for 8hrs like sales ppl do.

2hrs per session.
2 sessions per week.
$200+ per mth.

tats for tutoring two kids at one time.
currently, im tutoring my twin cousins once a week.
n 2 more students to come.
agency punyer assignment.


i can now proudly say im updated with the current songs tat's hitting this country.
if not, i will be so outdated.
i listen to the radio.

shit la.
i think a mosquito or a fly went in my ear.
i dont know whether it's still inside or not.
disgusting la.
pasal ni pon nk blog.


"they tried to make me go to rehab, i said no no no"
the song is stuck in my head, just like the fly.
aku giler.

can u be my cinderella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh.

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
♥ 2:40 AM

heylo bananas.
changed my blogskin.

i dont know why i chose this blogskin.
it looks aneroxic n bulimic.
n i dun like it.

maybe because 2hrs ago, my sis told me tat im fat.
n maybe because, someone on msn told me the same thing right after my sis did.
im fat.
wad the hell.

actually, im not fat u know.
only tat i have an appetite bigger than my stomach.

i was deep-frying 6 calamari rings, frying an egg and boiling 2 hot dogs.
&& my sis thought she can make me feel fat by making the 'you-are-fat' face & whispering 'cholestrol, cholestrol, cholestrol'.

omg. how can u be so mean, along.
maybe, that's y i chose this blogskin.

oh yeaa.
i've been simpsonizing.


i chose the stupid pic because they wanted a really upclose photo.
amek kau.

anyways, simpsons are ugly.

got it from

im bored.
its 3 in the morning.
da mcm 4 in the morning.

aku gemok~

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, July 09, 2007
♥ 2:33 AM


to give a kickstart to the post, i will put up a picture of RAFAEL NADAL.

im in love with this guy.
too bad, two hours ago, he didnt win the cup in the wimbledon championship.
no worries.

it's not a bad thing tat you've lost to a five-times champion, roger federer.
i still love u.
n u beat the hell out of federer this french open didnt u?

im mad.
im talking to a picture.

he's good ok.
only not tat skilled as federer.
atika, stop blabbing about tennis ok.
atika- "ok"

oh yar.
n summore he lost because of his injuries ok!!
not because he's not good.
man, i love his ass.


i really dun noe wad to tok about la.
rafael nadal....
im obsessed.



i've been mapling since, like, forever.
i know it's CHILDISH n IMMATURE.
tats wad most of u guys will say.
but, on the other hand, i think it's CUTE.

n the monsters r cute too.
i dun play warcraft, dota, gunz or anything tats related to violence because i hate violence.

they can corrupt our mind in a subtle way over a long period of time.
imagine if the government legalise the purchase of guns and swords or bombs.
the first thing i would do is to stay away from gamers whu play those kinds of games.

n i will stay close with the maplers.
n make a party with them.
or maybe a guild.
or maybe again exchange fames.

too much imagination.
if mapling comes in real life, i tell u wad.
it will be a much safer place to stay rather than having warcraft.

i will be a real magician n a cleric in time to come.
then, i can heal ppl.
see the difference ?
but if ppl ks, then i donno wad to say....

im crazy.
atika- "yeayea. knew tat a long time ago"

because u're unemployed u idiot.

im employed.
as a magician in maple.
i make mesos not money.

i've got a sexy top tat i can afford in maple than in real life.

bye, before i go insane.

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
♥ 4:18 PM

hot hot heat.
the weather mcm kurang ajar gitu.
but, nonetheless, i respect nature.
if i were a stick of butter, i already will be melting.
if i were a stick of 'moo' ice-cream, i will also be melting.
but if i am human, considering the fact tat im human now, i am stinking!

plus plus, i havent bathed.

yes ppl.
i've watched all those blockbuster movies this june.
ok, not all.
Ocean's 13 will make an exception.
so far.
transformers is the best.
n i wanna watch it again.

n im still searching for a job!


thinking of my state of rest or uniform motion(Newton's 1st Law), i can not only rot, i can decompose any minute.(Atika's 1st Law of Boredom)
only tat i think i've been decomposing every second im blogging.(with respect to half-life)
ah hua.

they are not tat complicated after all.
they not tat simple after all.

like human, it's more than meets the eye.

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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