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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
♥ 8:51 PM

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, June 21, 2007
♥ 2:54 PM

time to do something.
i cant just sit down n do nth bout everything.
things are going to change.
if hardwork is futile, not once but twice, den there's no reason to stay.
maybe im not up for it.

this time, winning is no longer an option.
this time, i have to admit defeat.
only this time.

i knew i've made a mistake in my choice.
n im going to do something.

korang tk paham tkper.
tk suro paham pon.

back to reality.
my dad has so far been pain in the ass.
not tat i want to type it here about my OWN dad but sometimes it is appropriate.
today, he's not coming home.
n if it's not because i have not enough cash, i will be at attica tonight.

i've been 'single' these past two weeks.
so my prediction for the weeks in the future is.. more SINGLERITY.
dont use tat word in any essays.
im usually bored at this point of time.
n my bf would usually be sleeping his head off til sunset.
after tat, his usual friend-bonding time til sunrise.
for two straight weeks except for a couple of days.

next, laptops have invaded into my friends' world.
putput has a lenovo.
& fadhilah has a tablet pc.
according to me, putput's lappy is a male.
n mine, a female.
so, time for reproduction of lappies.

n lastly, whatever it is.
make ur decision WISELY.
&& Qabil Khusry Qabil Igam is suppose to be M18.
according to me.

reason: too much sadness.

sometimes, u need to listen.

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, June 14, 2007
♥ 3:15 PM

i need help.
help from within.
self-discipline is what i need to practice.
now, that is my weakness.

i've been picking up old bad habits from the past; smoking & drinking.
i swear to god im going to stop right after the so called 'holiday'.
but whatever it is, bad + good makes me, ME.
so, i have to cut down on the bads.

im way behind time in my studies.
bad results still havent wake me up.
U grades, to be exact.

the two weeks have been damn slacking for me.
i've been going out n watching tv like no one's business.
as if i have no MAJOR EXAM to sit for right after the holidays.

karaoke-ing n lepak-ing is a full-stop from today onwards.
i need to go swimming.
i dont care.

i just hope im strong enough to carry on my journey as a pre-u student.
i just hope i can make it through.
i just hope i have the DISCIPLINE to study.

i love u, bf.

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, June 10, 2007
♥ 2:55 PM

torn is what i feel
hurt is what's that obvious
the result of ur ridicule
the result of ur hardhead

being like this is oh so
tantamount to being unattached
having someone there
but not quite there yet

i thought u said u will always love me
but i knew words are cheap
its not only about loving
its about being there all the time

time when darkness falls on me
time when light glimmers through
but the time that when i really need u
is the time when im falling from high above

hoping that someone can reach out for me
before i land hard on torns of agony
before i bleed deep down inside
before i get HURT!

n to my surprise, u weren't there
n to my surprise, u can be coldhearted
ur ego overcame what u called love
which ultimately contradicts urself

it doesnt even matter now
because now i noe whu u are
because now i noe what u're worth
because now i noe once i fall,
u're noe longer who i thought u were

expressing in poetry~

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, June 09, 2007
♥ 11:19 AM

I'm tagged by CLARA

Rules of game:
1: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself.
2: People who got tagged must write it in their own blog and state this rule clearly.
3: At the end of the game, list down 4 people to be tagged and NO TAGBACKS.

*note from me: if u guys think its lame, there's really no need to read it*

1. i pick my nose infront of my bf n he got it videotaped.
2. i am VERY sensitive.
3. i still watch rugrats.
4. i love bullying my younger sis
5. somehow, i love fighting.
6. i play the song 'last night' on repeat mode everyday.
7. i got U grade for chemistry in my two common test.
8. i am mean to ppl whu are mean
9. aku kepo.
10. i think 'anugerah' is a show full of nonsense.

The next lucky 4 tagged peeps:
- putty burn
- idah
- aman
- ahmad

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, June 02, 2007
♥ 9:34 PM

old friend, i miss u.
i really miss all the time we had.

so so so.
i just bought a new pair of spectacle.
hahahaha .
my old spec just rotted n broke.
got a replacement n im no longer blind .

kukuku punya cinta tiada di sisi .
kukuku punya pootpoot sudah menjejaki singlehood .
woo .
congrats .

i shd be studying but i just keep staring at either my laptop or the TV .
im worried but at the same time im enjoying myself .
i haf to buck up n start my revision ASAP!!!

project work went well .
for the first time, i've soldered something .
for the first time, i've dealt with integrated circuit .
i love jack kilby .

nerds like me trying to do something hands on equals to disaster .
but i had fun .
go IJ069 .
lolololololol .

otak blank seyy... (=

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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