Tuesday, October 31, 2006
♥ 10:41 PM
things/phrases that are popping on my mind randomly .1. atika2. atika 3. kuku4. kambing5. minesweeper flags (currently losing, not even 1 win)6. food (only ate one meal today)7. no more raya8. O levels9. O levels10. O levels 11. CHALET12. cartons13. end the list, atikaas u can see, im crazy turning insane .im morphing just like a power ranger .only tat i have no powers nor masks .i wish i had one .so that i can destroy MOE or maybe save lives(chey) .so so so .lit paper in less than 48 hrs .im doomed .dead .dying .rotting .decomposing .ok .i made it sound as if im a corpse .any smart alex wanna switch brains ??
`i am me, not someone else
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
♥ 9:42 PM
FIRST DAY OF RAYA 2006today woke up at 10.30am coz my little sister woke me up .gedebak gedebuk our family were off at 12.30pm .nth much to say .just enjoy the pic .
my outfit

family on the mother's side

family on the mother's side

family on the mother's side (dari kampung)

mua family

can u spot me counting money in the taxi ?
(after this pic, all the way are pics of family on the father's side)

the siblings

dian & me (no, that's not my finger)

siblings & nenek
(after tis pic, all the way are pics taken at my BLUE hse)

not me

not me

not me

not me


abu bakar & me

the cousins (junior) PART 1

the cousins (junior) PART 2

the cousins (senior)

the cousins (all star) i have 5-pronged horns btw .

the tue bangke

siblings cinabey

family on the father's side

family on the father's side

family on the father's side (the two male kecik are twins)

my family (colour baju tk matching langsong)

little cousins

the aftermath ....
`i am me, not someone else
Monday, October 23, 2006
♥ 6:31 PM
my blog is untouched fer almost one week .u wanna noe why ??lazy, lazy, lazy .but i've been studying ok!!today, suddenly feel like blogging pasal besok RAYER !!it's been so long since i've played flowerfire(bunga api) .flower fire is better than igniting a mercun in class during recess n get into a whole load of trouble with the witches(teachers) .today, in ITR3 during chemistry, i secretly use the com n surf de web .i bumbed into ms delphine tan's blog .i find it HILARIOUS .very .this is an extract from her blog which i particulary find it funny .'Blogging in point form1. I am sick. The haze and the late nights are killing me. I have no voice. I am coughing up globs of green phlegm. My 4E students think it is very funny that I cannot talk. 2. I have evil students. Chin Khang keeps calling me the Wicked Witch of Zimbabwe and Desmond says I am a banana just because I was wearing my yellow dress. -_-3. I have finished marking all my exam papers. Still need to wait for the 3E Core Geog Paper 1 to come in on Tuesday.'those students are students from my geog class .chua chin khang n desmond loo .i pity ms tan everytime she walks into the class .she will get a pathetic greeting from us, especially chin khang .her blog add is www.msdtan.livejournal.comshe's the cutest teacher in my opinion . ((=so .today .my kukumalu day aka award ceremony .i looked so pathetic receiving tat stupid badge .i feel like peeing when i went up to the stage to receive the badge .fyi, its CCA COLOURS award .i was awarded fer leadership .what do u expect then .my netball crew only have two seniors .me n sinyi .i was a netball member since sec 1 but sinyi came n joined only last year .leadership my foot .i usually bully my junior all the time .because they are bloody lazy .im guessing that netball will close down any time from now . ((=later after break fast, im going Geylang .accompany mira do her last minute shopping ."atika, kau beli baju rayer braper ar?"so funny .n to all muslims out there .SELAMAT HARI RAYA .MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN .KALAU TERSILAP KATA ATAU TERKASAR BAHASA ATAU DUA2 SEKALI, HARAP DIMAAF .PEACE!wow. my malay improved .so tomorrow im going to clear all my sins to make way fer new ones .
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, October 14, 2006
♥ 7:02 PM
thursday was supposed to be late day .n guess wad .si pandai ni g skola kol 7.15am .so, fer de 45mins, i went to do my chemistry .wednesday was supposed to be a normal day .n guess wad .si bodoh ni dtg lambat .i missed photo sessions with my class .school ends ad 12.40pm on friday .after school, i was supposed to sit fer my S.S mock exams .i skipped it .went to putri's hse den off to jp n off to my hse .bathed .changed . den went to jp n meet mahmudah, ika n hasanah .we went to the jjc open hse by bus .i only like two things about the school :1. they make ELMO badges!!2. they have chocomint in their cafe .left around 5+pm to jurong east mrt n meet mira n rusydi .of course i was alone .den we went to geylang n meet sembisu aka KHAIRUL .bored at geylang, we went to bukit timah n play pool .de person checked our ICs .atika - PASSEDrusydi - PASSEDkhairul - PASSED mira - FAILED (next week then she'll be turning 16 )so, we went out .by tat time, it was already 10 pm. we just sat outside de pool place until 10.30pm when we decided to go town .we went to forum nyer coffee bean .cos that's whr SEMBISU worked .we played taiti n savoured all the free stuffs at coffee bean .for once, sembisu was nice .we sat there til 12am .the three of them accompanied me to Orchard Mrt bus stop whr bus 502 was .i was alone again cos they all live in Jurong East n take different bus .they left me at the bus stop n they went to their bus stop .i waited like hell .i took de last bus which arrived at 12.30am .reached home around 1++am .mummy was baking kuih .yumyum .bathed, watch dvds n den ZZZZzzzZzzz .n guess wad time i woke up today .1808 !!yup 6.08pm .slept fer 16 hrs .i dreamt alot .one was about me losing my way .so i asked tis guy how to get home .he asked me to go find paragannan(i think) n eat his shit .wad does de dream exactly meant ??!!!!i dreamt about being lost all the time .KUKU !!!atika, atika ...
`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
♥ 10:22 PM
soo ...today was fine .just like the fun i had few mths back before de sudden urge of studying came .games of pool n just a few hours of laying back with absolutely no worries .but when i get home, its back to hitting the books .im so ready fer O levels .i just want to get over n done with it .took a cab back home .thx saida .n when i was walking back home, i heard my name being called out .a few guys at my void deck was shouting out my name .only god knows who the hell they were .only god knows how the hell they knew my name .come to think of it, tomorrow schooling .welcome back reality .addicted to half alive (its a song by the way)
`i am me, not someone else
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
♥ 8:06 PM
oh well .as i browse my blog, i realised every entry has the word 'KUKU' in it .how kuku .school was normal .normal means TIRING, SLEEPY and DRAINED .3.5 hrs of lit .3 hrs of physics .1.5 hrs of english .god, help me .i sleep lesser than studying .sacrifice, that's what miss sandra said .O levels ?bring it on .i cant wait to overcome this stupid hurdle that is being a hindrance between me n ENJOYMENT .but that hurdle is stuck to the ground so hard that it needs 27 days .so far, i have 'ponteng puasa' only 1 day .so far, i have not been comitting crimes yet except fer ONE .so far, i have not been going out .so far, i have not been slapping ppl .so far, i have not been picking up fights with anyone .so far, i have not taken drugs .so far, i am still not 18 !!!mr tuggles btol !
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, October 07, 2006
♥ 12:06 AM
today was a very very long day .
early in the morning got diarrhoea .
fucking shit !
tummy wasn't in the good mood .
diarrhoea - 'an intestinal disorder characterized by abnormal frequency and fluidity of fecal evacuations.'
den fer morning assembly Ms Ho started to talk about gastric flu .
she mentioned the symptoms ; flu or diarrhoea .
gees .
school ends ad 12.40pm .
maths remedial - 1.00pm to 2.30pm
humans remedial - 2.40pm to 4.10pm
can go kuku sey .
after break-fast, went to geylang n met my mother there .
on the way to jp, saw a few ppl .
first was gg - 'eh atika, g johor ngan aku'
wahaha .
second was vane .
last was eddie - 'kau g aner ?' 'aku g fashion show' .
lol .
geylang was madness .
too much ppl lar .
picked two raya clothes .
one black .
another blood-red .
how cool .
went home by cab .
reached home ard 1130pm .
tired lar dey . de haze is choking me .DAMN the indonesians .stop burning the forests fer goodness sake .preserve it instead .u are not only being cruel to us but also de animals .whr are they going to live ?im sick of urbanisation .buildings n spoilt scums everywhere .
i want u to know that i miss u, i miss u so
`i am me, not someone else
Thursday, October 05, 2006
♥ 10:17 PM
today was a LOOOOOOOOONG day .end skool ad 5.10pm .how cool .reach home, straight away bathed n got ready for night study .night study was an ass .fer the past two days, wearing slipper was allowed because de teacher-in-charge was lim kim kim .si selengge .but tonight was charles chan .so, we were chased out .we ended up studying at the jp library instead .kuku .blablablablablaIMTIREDblablablablabla
`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
♥ 4:42 PM
madness .
english was madness .
my compre marks - 19/50
kukuCOMPRE sey .
however, i passed my english overall with a pathetic mark of 52% .
hey, i passed !!
my vocabs saved me .
yep .
suprisingly, i got correct fer difficult words such as 'unencumbered', 'lethal', 'distinctive' and one more word .
easy peasy word such as 'gradually', i got it wrong .
madness .
skool ends around 1.40pm .
english remedial from 2.10pm to 3.20pm .
den went to GIANT n bought blank papers so that i can print other skewl's qn paper fer practise .
just now, i think mrs mano was mad .
she came into de class n made an announcement, "class.. i've heard from some teachers you planned not to attend school tomorrow. You better be because (all the O levels stuff. as if we dont know) ."
i gave her a wtf face n she noticed because i was sitting infront fer lit lesson .
n she went off .
skipping school wasn't on my mind at all .
especially when it is, like, ONE MORE MONTH TO O LEVELS .
madness madness .
night study on later .
woohoo .
cant wait to study lar kuku !!
dun tok to me, im NUTS .
`i am me, not someone else
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
♥ 8:47 PM
haix haix haix .ytd didnt sleep well .in fact, i had trouble sleeping !screw me .i shouldnt haf cared .no use .it's not my life anyway .y did i even care .all i get was 'i dont need it' .maybe i shd not care anymore .that's right .i will mind my own business .if i care, ppl will think im a busybody .well, ppl change .sort of disappointed .today, everything was ok .recess was ad 10.40am because there are post-secondary thingy talk .so now im confused of going to jc or poly .both has its advantages n disadvantages .i sat there thinking .thinking like mad .at last, i decided to just do my very best in O levels n then i will start choosing .after all that, i have chem remedial ad 1.40pm .all de way til 3+ .so here are my results fer prelims .ENGLISH - ~pending~MATHS - 75.5%AMATHS - 68%COMBINED SCIENCES - 65.5% (physics-A2, chem-B4) COMBINED HUMANS - 64%PURE LITERATURE - 62%performance .MATHS - maintainedAMATHS - improved from D7 to B3COMBINED SCIENCES - slacked from A1 to B3COMBINED HUMANS - improved by C6 to B4PURE LITERATURE - i haf no idea overall, im happy except tat i have to buck up even more .my sciences!! wad happened ?? i haf to put in more effort .tats a definite !!n my staying-back-after-school-for-consultation for amaths has finally been paid off .practised like hell but it was VERY worth it .i didnt give up n im glad i didnt .however, im aiming at least an A2 fer my amaths because i used to get A1 fer amaths last year .n i noe i can do it .nth that is so, is so
`i am me, not someone else
Monday, October 02, 2006
♥ 10:34 PM
skool was ok .got back the results .but not all .im gonna post my results tmr where, by then, all the results would be given out .today assemby was a talk about grad night .huhu .cant wait bebeh .so reached home around 1.30pm . slept til 4 .den shower up n off to the library .read CHARMED n mira was doing her art .many mats n minahs menggatal .cannot stand de sight of it .so i put on de earpiece n blast loud musics into my ears while reading .den 6+ went to jp n met rusydi, shaq n nunu .bought food den off to skewl .break fast in school n it was scary ok .7.30 off to night study in the school library .ends around 9.30 den go home .((=walalalalalabamba!!
`i am me, not someone else
Sunday, October 01, 2006
♥ 8:45 PM
im sad .can anyone tell ?
`i am me, not someone else