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Saturday, September 30, 2006
♥ 6:46 PM

im a horrible horrible sleeper .
or maybe just a horrible girl .
woke up ad 5.30PM this afternoon .
its 5.30PM .
shits .
i almost got a heart attack when i saw de clock .
no wonder my dream was very long .
me n my girlfriends in a gondola .
probably in Europe .
but de person rowing the boat was a pakcik .
i donno lar .
den step out of the boat, we're in malaysia .
haix .
de result of too much CHARMED .
dreams sometimes reflects who u are : CRAZY .

n worst of all, im a horrible sleeper .
i woke up n my sleeve is WET !
yes .
wet !
conclusion : i DROOL .
tats BUROK ok .
but wadever .
n i still haf de guts to publicise it in my blog .
so there's de real me .
a sleep-like-a-drooling-pig-n-waking-up-late girl .

guys, guys out there .
when a girl doesnt haf interest in u, just leave the girl alone .

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, September 29, 2006
♥ 9:03 PM

huhu .
two posts in one day .
how rare .
tats because PRELIMS OVER .
n i have PLENTY of time !
however, not the time to relax .
behold, the almighty O LEVELS .
the one that can change our lives .
it determines whether we become a LAWYER or a CONSTRUCTION WORKER .
but i want to be none .
i want to be a housewife !
just sit at home or do nothing .
or maybe, i shd become like my mom .
a housewife-football-coach that kick butts !
forget about it .
well, i actually have no ambition .
no goals in life .
then, what the hell am i studying for .

all i noe right now is that im addicted to CHARMED .
hit the tv n the books .
so far i've read 5 CHARMED books .
the more i read, the more i want supernatural powers .
imagine, having a power that freezes time .
that way, i can just freeze the examination hall n copy some smart guy's answer n pass my O levels with flying colours .
or a premonition .
that way i can see the past n the future .
i will buy 4D n get effing RICH .
or a whitelighter .
orb here n there w/o any mode of transport .
that way i can travel around the world .
but being normal is still the best !

now, love is seen as SUNSHINE WITH SCATTERED RAINS .
lovely yet painful .
to all my attached girlfriends, play your cards right n dont be deceived .
all the best to all of you .
as for me, whatever happens, happens .
i don't really care that much .

i don't need to find love, love will come and find me .
how emo ~

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 7:41 PM

listen ppl .
part of the lyrics fer de POWER RANGER song is 'here comes the power ranger' n not 'PICK UP the power ranger' .
mira mira .
makin hari makin belo kawan aku ni !

amaths paper 2 was definitely easier than paper 1 .
i donno y .
but its do-able !!

backmasking of names is FUN !!
it's funny how they turn out .
what your backmasked name is, is what u are gonna be in the next lifetime !!
(fyi, it's fiction . just to have fun)
for example .

PUTRI --- IRTUP (keleng!! wahahaha! kawan aku keleng !!)
AMIRA --- ARIMA (mix blood . melayu + indian . macam sri lankan pon ader)
MAHMUDAH --- HADUMHAM (mcm makanan jer .)
SYEERA --- AREEYS (chey . namer mat saleh .)
ATIKA --- AKITA (namer jepun . cool .)
DIYANA --- ANAYID (namer arab .)
AZWINDA --- ADNIWZA (unknown . mungkin tkder next lifetime . maner tau jadi monyet ker)
HASANAH --- HANASAH (namer tk fun .)
AMINAH(nenek ku) --- HANIMA (tetap obit)
HALIMAH(nenek ku) --- HAMILAH (asal namer nenek2 obit ni)
HAYATIE --- EITAYAH (african!)
SANDRA --- ARDNAS (entahh lar)
RAMESH --- HSEMAR (myanmar !)
NAIM --- MIAN (cina!! ah mian!!)

woohoo .
this is fun !

akita seyy .

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, September 28, 2006
♥ 7:55 PM

wooooooo .
so far 5 days of fasting fulfilled !!
but some effects fasting had on me was disastrous .
stomach pain tat made me wish i wasnt born .
kae tats exaggerating .
my stomach just cannot adapt to my new diet .
from a eat-all-you-can stomach to cant-eat-when-the-sun-is-out stomach .
i understand u stomach .
25 more days to go .

today's science paper 1 was so-so .
felt extremely tired today tat i only took 30 mins to do de paper n another 30 mins to sleep .
i slept enough ytd (at last!) .
but somehow i felt very tired .
paper ends ad 9.15am .
went back home with mahmudah in the rain .
how romantic .
haha .
reach home, cleaned myself up n den ZzzzZZzZZz .
omg, im slowly evolving to a pig .
come to think of it, whr got muslim pig .

went to de library ad 1 n met rahman there .
practised my amaths .
somehow, i 'accidentally' did sec 3 emaths .
lesson learn today .
a bunch of primary school kids on my left n a bunch of farting geeks from river valley on my right .
de kids were talking among themselves so loudly .
tried to tolerate but my patience had it's limits (chey chey) .
so i SSSHHHHH-ED them loudly (lar.. stakat tu jer).
if they want to organise some class chalet, there is no need to announce it to de whole world . (kids ....)
on the other hand, young adults have manner problems .
now i noe tat students from good schools like RV farts in public LOUDLY .
twice to be exact .
n they can laugh instead of saying 'excuse me' or feel at least a bit embarassed .

a day where a RV student release big fat molecules of methane ... TWICE .

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
♥ 5:55 PM

well well .
i slept more than 3HOURS in the morning .
from 1am to 5am .
that's 4HOURS .
im so happy . ((=

add maths paper was kuku .
lit paper was kuku too .
so, tats about it : KUKU .

1hr12mins more to go for my LUNCH+DINNER aka buker puase .
yum yumm .

here are some pictures i've just editted .
enjoy !

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
♥ 6:43 PM

ok so .
prelims have transformed me into a zombie .
yes .
an ugly one .
with those big eyebags n pale face .
slept fer 3 hrs on monday .
sleeping time : 12+ PAGI til 3 PAGI .
those big font fer PAGI is to prevent (tu) guys to think tat it is PETANG instead .
haha .

forced myself to wake up ad 3am just to study fer physics .
study til 7am den off to school .
den blablabla .
sleeping time : 12+ PAGI til 3 PAGI .
studied fer geography .
this time, it felt like hell ! (although i dont know what hell feels like)
i went to school ad 2 to sit fer the paper .
along the way, my skewlmates look at me like i was a ghost .

den i went to the hall n sat my desk although it was 30 mins before de paper started n there was only 5 or 6 ppl in de hall .
so i just stared ad the stage n waited for de paper to begin .
after watching 'little man' den i feel more human n less zombie .

today, i have to study LITERATURE n practice AMATHS .
haix .
guess i'll be sleeping for 3 hrs again .
or maybe no sleep at all .
knnccb !
did all this to secure good marks .
i hope its all worth it n wont go to waste .

note to self : drink more coffee ZOMBIE .

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, September 23, 2006
♥ 7:15 PM

ok so .
i woke up ad 2+pm just now .
i woke up because my sis woke me up .
if she did not wake me up, i think i would be sleeping til tmr .

so ytd..
ytd ytd ytd was effing fun .
it was supposed to be 'couple's night out' but i was w/o a partner .
kene buihh .
bodoh nyer fariq .
but it was fun .

we went to bugis junction n walked walked .
den proceed to Suria's Raya Carnival .
search for deng deng but no deng deng was found, only otak-otak . ))=
den got fireworks !!

then, around 10pm, shaq, wan, rus n afiqah wanted to leave .
so they left .
me, mira n khai went to starbucks .
i drank iced cocoa !!
my favourite .
talked talked talked .

then, we left ad 11pm .
i read 'charmed' on the way home n i've finally completed the whole book !! ((=
reached home ard 12 den bath den slept !!

here are the pictures .

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
♥ 6:27 PM

hello there .
tired .
tired .
dozed off at 1+ am just now .
i set 3 alarm ad 4.50am, 4.55am n 4.57am because im a heavy sleeper .
planned to revise .
n guess wad .
i didnt wake up .
even if a bomb was dropped, i guess i would still be sleeping like a pig .

today had lit paper 1 .
unseen text n 'the english teacher' .
didnt prepared enough .
quite easy though .
wrote around 2.5 pages of essay fer the first qn .
n 2 pages fer the next .
tat means an hour and a half of non-stop writing .
my hand was already flagging a white flag(not literally) as im sure my lit paper tire de crap out of my hand .

lit paper 1 ends ad 9.30am .
went back home .
den came back to school around 11am .
practised my maths .
den sat fer mathematics paper 2 ad 2pm .
it was a 2 n a half hour paper .
seems like a very long period of time but it wasnt enough .
i calculated n i managed to lose 10 marks fer tat paper .
the paper was hard n challenging .
i like !

so, after the paper, everyone shared how much marks they lost .
mahmudah lost 14 marks .
caroline lost 24 marks .
hmm .
tat makes losing 10 marks not so bad .
wahaha .
but i desperately haf to get an A1 fer maths bebeh .

argh .
tmr english paper 2 n CHEMISTRY .
gosh .
i definitely haf to get an A1 fer my sciences .
i'll burn the midnight oil tonight if i haf to .
kae good luck to pink ranger !

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
♥ 8:36 PM

haix .
today very kuku .
im tired .
so tired .
when is all this going to end .
it's just prelims n im breaking down .
not enough power to boost my engine .
tat's y i put on the 'Power Rangers Mystic Force' song .
wad can i say .

well, maths paper was fine .
maths is my best friend .
so nth can go wrong except for careless mistakes .
ends ad 10 .
den from there studied til 3 .
coz mira had POA exams from 2-3 .
while mira was studying for POA, i was listening.
n amazingly, for a person who does not study POA in her life AT ALL, i remembered some formulas .
Capital = Assets - Liabilities
LOR - Liabilities Owner's equity Revenue
AED - Assets Expenses Drawings

wahaha .
how cool .
den mi n mira proceed to de library n practised our maths .
my brain was drained out, no more brain juice to squeeze .
den mira saw zinger box ad the library n she began to feel hungry .
so we head to kfc ad jp .
instead of buying zinger meal that she was craving for, she bought bandito .

den walked around jp .
came back home n fell asleep .
i did not noe how i fell asleep .
i was on my way to the computer den suddenly on the way to the computer, i fell asleep on my bed n dozed off .
the weirdity(got such word meh?) of sleeping like THAT clearly shows how TIRED i was .
maybe because i woke up ad 4.50am to do a brief revision on my maths .
at least i didnt go to pioneer mall mcd . ((=

go PINK ranger !!

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, September 18, 2006
♥ 6:55 PM

practical was easy lar .
just follow instructions and POOF, done !
only that i cannot score well .
either because i dont read instructions well or i miss instructions .
so well, physics was about lens .
chem, was about.. chemicals . ((=

so quarantined til 11.45am .
den went back home, did my mom's email .
den went back to school n blajar .
blajar til 5+ ,
huhu .
tmr maths paper 1 .
my fav subject .
kae balls, gd luck fer ur exams .

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, September 17, 2006
♥ 3:57 PM

this post is dedicated to mahmudah .
a reply from her entry on a couple drifting apart .
tis will be an especially EMO entry kae .
so ppl, i've warned you .

firstly, my definition of a healthy relationship .
it is not defined by the length of time a couple are together but the understanding n connection they both have .
like u mentioned, it was a fantasy til one year later, it changed .
love was powerful that it can withstand any problems right ?
so, what happened ?
why cant it withstand this ?

there are alot of causes for this to happen .
but in this case, Qian Er let it be n did nth about it .
yes, it's ok fer the guy to have alot of friends .
but if the girl insists on not sharing her problems with her friends or refused to keep in touch with her friends, we can't say its not her fault .
this is one good example to show YOU PPL that a girl's love is much deeper than a guy's that it makes de girl's sweetheart everything to her .
so, back to the story .

drifting or merely just sensitive ?
that is something the girl shd think about thoroughly .
if it's really drifting, then de couple shd sit down together n talk about it .
ignoring will not help, it will just worsen the situation .
so, here i am blabbering but for a gd cause .
every obstacles have a solution .
giving up is not always an option .
in fact, it is never an option .

i did a research, how semang-gat .
this website may more or less help .
click here ((=
i hope this will put a happy ending to ur story .

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, September 16, 2006
♥ 5:57 PM

kae .
i didnt go out this week !!!
omg omg omg .
im going crazy .
studying have brought me to a whole new level .
i cant stop studying now .
i think im going crazy .
lucky for me, i still have de desire to go online .
part of me wants O level to come faster so that it will end faster thus the stress ends sooner .
another wants O level to come later so that i'll haf more time to prepare.

nowadays, im addicted to senses fail songs .
firstly, because of their BOMBAST vocabs .
secondly, because of their lyrics .
no, im not going to be another diniy who went to write a long entry about senses fail .
too bad, JOEKIM went to embarass himself by wearing senses fail's shirt singing RNB !!
wtf !
haha .
doesnt matter anymore because he's out of the competition !
how cool .
aniway, we dont need any kindergarten entertainer in de competition .
that's what i call him .
a kindergarten entertainer because he sings like one .

enough .
i want to give a BIG shout-out to hady mirza's fans out there .
VOTE 10 times more than u usually vote because jasmine's fans are going to vote fer jonathan .
they dont want this season to turn out like the last where a malay singer was throned .
so, moral of the story, VOTE more .
even if hady wins , im so sure the makciks n pakciks in geylang are the ones whu voted .

huhu .
i feel like shit .
n shit feels like me .
lol .


`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
♥ 7:43 PM

what do u do when u're boring ?
(a) u kill urself
(b) faint
(c) overdose yourself with cough syrup

i'll say all of the above .
sounds cool .
but no, im not going to do it .

- spongebob's boxer
- patrick's boxer
- the simpson's boxer
- felix the cat's boxer
- n most importantly GARFIELD'S
- not forgetting nenek cool

fav number : 26 !!

read it all ?
well, none of them is true .

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, September 11, 2006
♥ 10:13 PM

msn has been getting on my nerves, still .
i cant log in n dat frustrated me, like, ALOT !!
asshole .
de webmaster of MSN whu is responsible for this can go suck cock and die .
what if someone needed to use MSN fer important purposes like....
- chatting with an important business client or
- asking a friend for tomorrow's schedule (if he/she have no more means of communication) or
- in de middle of a very long transfer of files n then MSN snaps it off or
- a dying person saying his/her last words to his/her family members overseas thru webcam
then how??!!!!
u tell me !!!

kae enough of it .
i just hope u bloody morons work it out SOON .
i mean, wad kind of service u giving .

so, here i am venting my anger here like a freak .
1st day of school rox balls (yea.. like real) .
school ends ad 1.20pm .
so, me&mygirlfriends went to jp .
sinyi bought make-up set brushes .
how lame .
haha, but still cute lar .
so asked both mira n sinyi to study but one wanted to sleep n the other... i dont know .
so i went to PM n study with mahmudah n jing heng .
mahmudah n jing heng left me alone ad 4 .
))'= how sad .
i didnt wanna go home bcos i cant study ad home .
to prove it, here i am lazing my butt infront of the computer when actually i shd be studying .
so i left PM around 5+ lar .
studying alone wasnt tat bad .
used to it .
blablabla n bla .

feeling... uncool about everything(tat includes u MSN)

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, September 09, 2006
♥ 5:23 PM

ok saturday sux .
friday sux .
thursday doesnt sux .
u wanna noe wad happen ??
only de combination 10-01 can express how i feel .
lol .
tats de score of pool played .
of course TEN was mine .
n de pathetic but glorious ONE belonged to pala kemong .
wahaha .

kae the end .


`i am me, not someone else

♥ 4:55 PM

`i am me, not someone else

Friday, September 01, 2006
♥ 11:10 PM

31.o8.o6 was teachers' day celebration . I laughed my ass out when i watched the teachers performed . I laughed to tears to be exact . Went back home then headed for Xingnan, my pathetic primary school . They(the security guards) wouldn't let us in because we are wearing home clothes . wtf . So me, mahmudah n jing heng waited like rocks . Finally, we got in . My purpose of going there was mainly because I missed the food and also because I find myself so much taller . haha !!

Plan to meet Samsui GF n frens at PM at 1.30 but mahmudah have to do her prayers . So, while she went home, jing heng made for me a bear n an elmo out of a balloon . Unfortunately, the bear lost an arm . We reached PM at 2.00 . wad horrible ppl we were to be late . Waited for the pool table for like hours or so . In the meantime, Jing Heng n Mahmudah played bowling . -_- .
Played pool at last and the best moment was the victory !! I beated Samsui GF . huhu . ((= played only for one game . I wanted more but I had to go . ))=

Me, Mira and Putri then met Alif at City Hall . For once, he was NOT LATE . Then we headed for East Coast Park . The chalet was a 2-storey one and we waited for Putri's sis outside the chalet for like an hour plus . Then tudututu . Stayed up the whole night except fer 15 minutes of bad snoring from me(according to mira) . They even recorded my snores . wtf ! Tell u guys something . It was thursday night or wad we Muslims call it "Malam Jumaat" and the four of us was walking in the wee hours of the night . We saw a Muslim lady wearing a "telekong" praying under a tree . At first we thought it was a pontianak or wad . I got goosebumbs n i almost had a heart-attack . It's so fucking scary okay !

We went to a hawker centre . There was de Haron's stall, Hassan's stall, Kak long's stall n not forgetting Ahmad's stalls . whahahaha! tk paham tkper . eat, eat, eat then had to go to the toilet and then i got a second almost-heart-attack . At the entrance of the female's toilet, there's this auntie just sitting there looking . Scary siol . Then we sent Alif at the underpass and went back to chalet .

Next fine day, I GOT A BELATED BIRTHDAY BASH . A belated birthday bash three weeks after my bdae . I was nicely dressed n my friends threw flour and sweet drinks ad me(not forgetting Putri's giant-sized bedak) . So i bathed again . Lucky for me I brought an extra shirt and too bad for me I did not bring any extra bottom . So, I went back home with a flour-ed jeans embarassing myself in the mrt from bedok all the way to boon lay . Yeaa. Thx alot guys .

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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