Monday, July 31, 2006
♥ 2:51 PM
monday .
school was okae .
went to I.J on saturdayy .
Sunday, spent de whole day to complete my literature essay -CA2 .
wrote 2 full pages w/o leaving a line .
was half-completed then .
set alarm to wake up ad 4am tis morning n i'd completed another 2 full pages .
so total pages = 4 = HELL .
things to do today .
1. go to school
2. play pool
3. complete relative velocities exercise
4. complete literature essay on twelfth night
5. revise chemistry [optional]
my life's a bore .
i love myself no longer .
i love JOHNNY DEPP . [sry azura, he's mine . huahuahua .]
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, July 28, 2006
♥ 7:25 PM
tudututu . lalala .lalalalala .wawawa .ok dah .take care siol .
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, July 22, 2006
♥ 11:50 PM
huhu .
went to westwood carnival ad 11 wiith mahmudah & jing hengg .
pretty cool carnival but fuckiing expensive .
daylight robbery .
saw mr rameshh .
haha .
so took pics with some of de mascots .

horse . iim born in de year of kuda .

sesat nyer kumbangg . mcm paham .

donald duckk ~!


toilet westwood creatiive benar .
den meet farhan ad boon lay int ad 1.30pm .
haha .
came all de way from yishun .
how sweet is tat .
gave me a rose .

loves it . ((=
tank u .
den took a bus to town .
went to far east .
watchedd de bands along de streets .
tapestry .
buat keje amal dgn band yg perform dgn sukarela untok raise-kan duit untok org yg kurang bernasib baik .
now u noe my malay sux .
u donate, u get sticker or balloon .


bassist .

saper tu amek gbr .

haha . concentrate benar .

vox .

drummer .
spend hours there .
waited fer miira & alif mcm tgu buah tk jatoh2 .
janji kol 4 tapii sampai kol 4.45 .
jiwer lar konon .
den makan .
den walk n walk .
watchh more bands .
blablabla .
ran into an old friend .
haha .
den went to esplanade .
den blablabla .
. END .
`i am me, not someone else
Thursday, July 20, 2006
♥ 8:50 PM
yeaa .iim loving my liife to de core .but ii donno wad telah happen to my studiies .ytd .was too stresses up in school .so went to toilet n smoked .serious siia .everyday after skewl got remedials .end so late .haiiz .just now .pretended to be siick .went to sick bay .slept in sick bay fer 2hrs .den my sis fetch me n ii escaped from lessons n remedials .tats fucking irritating .O levels is so near .so went home n slept like a pig .just now ii tore up my jeans .den asked my sis's bf help .he's doing it fer mi .haha .tanks !! now, my sis n her bf n her fren is preparing de shisha or wadever u call it .mom bought it from arab n my sis have de tabacco !woohoo .cant wait to smoke .ii've turned bad .really bad .shit me .shit u .shit them .
`i am me, not someone else
Monday, July 17, 2006
♥ 10:30 PM
wawawa .sunday was fun .oh no .GREAT .haha .so long since ii had tat muchh fun .so ... baybeats on sunday .electrico .blablabla .pic can go miira's blogg .weeeeeeeeeeee ..................
`i am me, not someone else
Sunday, July 16, 2006
♥ 2:27 PM
yeaa .
so ii went to baybeats ytd .blablabla .
enjoy de pics .

`i am me, not someone else
♥ 1:34 PM
walalalalalalala .fucken fucken so fucken up .cbcbcbcbcbcbcb .babi babi babi pig pig pig .oinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk .hahahahahahhahahaha .nabey nabey nabey .cbccbcbcbcbcb .NABEY TING TONG BELL .ok done .
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, July 14, 2006
♥ 10:31 PM
firstly, I want to start this entry by wishing clara a happy birthday .shit her .she's 16 alreadyy .haha .nothing much happened today .SEL lesson was about relationships & intimacy & marriage .mrs rameshh says alot of stuffs about them tat affects me .haiix .wad de hell .these few days ii have been day-dreaming .wasn't aware tt mahmudah was talking to me .day-dream on de way to school .day-dream on de way back home .ii hope ii don't get hit by a truck just because ii day-dream .i dont know why .i feel this vague dissatisfaction .a sense of being so incomplete .i feel tat im turning into this character from my literature text whose life is "dull & mundane" .that was de start of de story .but in the end he was a happy & complete man of course .i hope my ending will be the same .find it hard to study .i dont know why either .been playing online pool like a jackass who doesnt care about O levels .i do care, though .three of my friends asked me out tmr but ii told them i dont want to .hey, ii dont know why either .enough about me .let's talk about ...................... marriage .haha .mrs ramesh told us we have to learn about marriage so tat we can be prepared .she compares marriage to a deep pool or whatsoever .but whu cares .she asked the whole class "why do ppl get married?" .some said love .others said breakthrough from parents . [ oh, it was me ]so we asked her back because obviously she was married .& she said the sweetest thingg a married women can say ;"firstly, love & secondly, it's about accepting each other's weaknesses" .how sweet is tat .of course some of the guys said "sex" . [ screw them ]den on one of the pages of my CME book, we are required to write a marriage vows .argh .stoopid vows ."I will (blablablabla) in health or in sickness (blablablabla) rich or poor ."these vows are the reasons why we girls despise sweet nothings . [ seriously ]do you think tat when a guy says he loves u, he actually means it ?n when he says u are someone tat is so precious to him, he actually means it ?he does... not . [ no offence to anyone though; ii speak my mind ]they knew it was any girl's weakness to believe all those sweet nothings .well, we girls sure are dumb .what makes us more dumb is tat we accept their apology .
`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
♥ 7:05 PM
hey dudes & dudettes .seems lyk ii am beginning to blog often .tats how its like .too free .free like a bird, only tt this bird stays in de same nest as its parents . [gosh]when it comes to O levels, seems lyk ii have no tyme .after englishh remedials, went to jp withh sinyi & miira .miira went to take her shoe .I bought a necklace from perlini's for clara's birthday .sinyi went to collect her altered jeans .then taught my friends maths in de library .joke joke joke .laugh laugh laugh .den became hungry hungry hungry .so we went to eat eat eat .eat ad kfc .alot of minahs working on de cashier so sinyi saiid "ii think it's minahs-shift" .she talked to us like talking to de whole world .bla bla bla .went home .oh yeaa .read this text ii extracted out of my literature text "the english teacher" .so meaningful .tats one of de reason ii love literature .XD"There is no escape from loneliness & separation .Mom, dad, sisters, friends, loved ones ;we come together only to go apart again .They move away from us as we move away from them .The law of life cannot be avoided .The law comes into operation the moment we detach ourselves from our mother's womb .All struggle & misery in life is due to our attempt to arrest this law or get away from it or in allowing ourselves to be hurt by it .The fact must be recognised .A profound unmitigated loneliness is the only truth of life .All else is false ."
`i am me, not someone else
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
♥ 8:17 PM
for those who are worried, dun worry .haha .thx fer de concern thoughh .todayy was a long dayy .weather was friendlyy .didnt feel like waking up just now .slept like a pig de whole day ytd . woke up ad 10pm . den watched tv till 1am i guess .but who cares .had 2hrs of chem remedial just now .as soon as it was tiime to go home, it was raining heavily .so decided to stay in class to do some questions til de rain stopped .prrrrrrrrrr .........playing online pool right now ad this very instant .haha .haiiz .aniway ii was myself today .no more melancholic me . [ only one day ]though ii looked so cheerful outside, u never know how weak ii can be inside .inside, it is so very fragile and a new relationship is de last thing ii want right now .iim scared . realli scared .
`i am me, not someone else
Sunday, July 09, 2006
♥ 2:55 PM
im backk .
worst day of my life : 080706
yesterday was our three monthhs n our final monthh too .
yeaa .
how come we were so fine and end up like this .
it's god's will .
thought things would go smoothly but it ended up smoothly .
so here I am .
trying hard to move on .
it's harder than I thought it would be .
but I will do my very best for wad's best for me . =D
In life, pain n struggles is somethingg u can never run away from
it's only a matter of time when u have to face it .
And when it comes, dare to face it n not run away from it .
Just take it as a lesson n hey u gained more experience ...
An unpleasant experiience .
Remember what i said about you .
"You are a mistake I will nv regret" .
I nv will .
Nice having you in my life even if it was fer a short while .
Maybe it's a curse of three-months .
Thanks for making me a stronger person ; emotionally&mentally .
Remember u said "we can still go out as friends"
Well, tat's the last thing I would want because I cannot love a friend .
For now, time will heal my sorrows .
Don't worry, I'll be fine soon .
Farewell my lovely mistake .
Slowly, I'll learn how to smile .
`i am me, not someone else