Friday, June 30, 2006
♥ 10:07 PM
remediials remediials remediials .after skewl ... REMEDIAL(S) .mondayy - lit remediialtuesdayy - chemistry remedialwednesday - englishh remediialthursday - maths, combined humans , physicsfriday - maths remedialwahhhhhh .after remediial have to go home n complete hw .by the tyme ii haf completed my hw, its tyme to sleep .ARGHH ~!!Singapore ..... humans are theiir only resource that's y we have to studyy lyk a slave .O levels larr . Prelims larr .y de heckk did sciience have practiical .ii dont intend to be a scientist .y do ii haf to study humanities .ii dont want to know about de soil n all .WAHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!hate skewl .loves mathss .XD
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, June 17, 2006
♥ 5:06 PM
got thiis lame thiing from putrii .ARGHHH~!!tis tyme w/o de cat . XDDName 3 Schools you went to :
1. Merlimau Pri . [[1197]]2. Xingnan Pri . [[1998-2002]]3. Boon Lay Sec. [[2003-2006]]3 impt things in your purse/handbag :
1. handphone .2. tissue .3. mirror .Name 3 things you really do when you're really stressed :
1. cryy .2. eat .3. wotchh tv non-stopp .Name 3 places you go on a daily basis :
1. kitchenn .2. hall 3. room -.-Name 3 favorite fruits :1. pear2. mangosteen3. papayaName 3 names you go by :
1. tikus2. kecikk3. atikName 3 of your favourite foods :
1. mom's cookiing2. BK's swiiss mushroom burger3. everythiing else tt is edible n halal coz ii love food !! =DName 3 who is in the house with you :
1. grandmama2. eldest sis3. meName 3 person who are you thinking about right now :
1. khalifahh2. khalifahh3. khalifahhWho did you last talk to on the phone?
- dearrWho do you sit next to in your class?
- clara <33`Who was the last person you told you loved?
- dearrWho do you wish you were with right now?
- dearrWho gets on your nerves the most at school?
- de lower sec miinahs . plz groww up .Where is your phone?- beside me .Where is the last place you took a ride to?
- esplanade =')Where in your house are you?
- mom's roomWhat was the last thing you ate?
- umm . biscuits .What colour shirt are you wearing?
- piink .What is the closest item near you that is blue?
- speaker . What do you like best about school?
- educatiion bebeh .What is your favourite colour?- ii love all colours .What do you wear more: jeans or shorts?
- jeans for outside, shorts for at home uhh.
(my ans is the same as nazurah+putrii.lolol)When did you start school?
- 4When is your b'dae?
- 13th August 1990 .When did you last go to the mall?
- ytdd .When was the last time you bought a pair of pants?
- de dayy before ytd . thx dear~!!When did you last burn something?
- nong nong ago .And the next victims are...
- mira, mahmudah, sinyii . =D
`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
♥ 12:36 PM

7 random facts about Me:
- world cup fever is on for me
- ii adore kaka ii find Oliver Khan cute
- ii can sleep up to 14-16 hours
- ii can stay up til the next day just like now
- ii love coffee more just because dear loves it
- ii treasure forests
- ii hate pretenders
7 random things that scares me - that scabies will be with me forever
- be so forgetful - STM (short-term memory)
- creepy crawlies
- horror movies
- not studying
- not sleeping
- not eatingg

7 random music at the moment
- buttons from putrii's blog
- buttons from putrii's blog
- buttons from putrii's blog
- buttons from putrii's blog
- buttons from putrii's blog
- buttons from putrii's blog
- buttons from putrii's blog
7 random things that i like most
- go j.c
- boyfriend
- giirlfriend
- world peace
- more nature conservation
- no end of the world
- a bathh??
7 random things i say the most
- pala peanut
- tudututu
- arghh
- huhh?
- ekk??
- orhh
- chao chicken
`i am me, not someone else
Monday, June 12, 2006
♥ 11:46 AM
03 June 2006 til 06 June 2006 .(4 days 3 niights geography triip)o3.o6.o6- 0530 met dear .
- 0600 arrived ad skewl withh dear .
- 0645 depart from skewl to Cameron Highlands/sayy bubbye to dear .
iit was an effing longg journey withh 4 stops/breaks .
de journeyy took 13hrs ii guess .
myy ass was glued to de chaiir . =(
what ii did iin de bus throughout de journey :
`mp3 (40%)
`talkedd (5%)
`stared out de windows hopiing to see sumthiing amusing (20%)
`SLEPT (35%)
- 1330(ii think) lunchh ad orna restaurant .
a Taiwanese restaurant . Soup + everythiing else . =D
- 1745(ii think) went to this waterfall ad de base of Cameron Highlands .
hutan lipur lata iskandar .
waterfall .
from left: grace, mr chan, shi yun, kenny, kenneth n mii .- 2100 arrived ad a restaurant for dinner .
looks can be deceivingg .
de crews . notiice ii didnt mix with alot of malays ?? haha . ii love it tis way ~steamboat dinner . I was hungry tat ii juz ate dem raw . seriiously . n iit tastedd awful . smuggled an egg backk to de hotel . hee . wantedd to eat iit wiith my cup nooddle fer supper .
hasanah, sarah n mii .
maggii n coffee fer supper !! ...every night...- 2230 arrived ad equatoriial hotel .
our hotel is right on top of the mountains .room-mate : Hasanahh .
hotel has no air-conditioner bcos iit does not need any!! de climate there was alreadyy freezing cold . who needs an air-conditioner anyway . egg wasnt fully boiled so threw iit away . -.-" slept under de sheets coz ii was freezing . myy room has balconyy . cool . sarah n noreen came over to my room . dey smokedd . lepakz . I ate my nooddles . brushedd my teeth n get readyy fer sleep .
o4.o6.o6- 0730(ii think) WOKE UP ~!!
view from balcony .
view from balcony part 2 .
u can call this part 3 .- 0800 went fer breakfast .
breakfast was buffet . heehee . ranges from western to eastern(izzit??) . yeaa . cereals . eggs . orange juice . pastriies . coffee . tea . nasi lemak . french toast . milkk . ate till it filled my stomachh . hehe . ii ate alot . free wad ...
- 0900 - 1230 went fer BOH tea plantations, see2 de crops (agriculture)
ii witnessed de terracing . heehee . lots of crops . cabbages, carrots, tomatoes etc.
Best Of Highlands .
tea plantations all over Cameron .
ii was up there drinkiing tea . =D
Sarah n mii .
yar yar . iim de shortest !!
terracing .
cabbage mengambangg !! LOL . mcm purnama mengambangg lar konon . -.-"
*no comments*
-1245 arrived ad a restaurant fer lunchh .
Chinese restaurant . Soup + everythiing else agaiin -.-" . during the four days ii ate alot of veggies . yumm !!
- 1330 - 1700 went to rose garden, strawberry plantation etc.
flowers !!- 1715 depart for KL .
- 2030 arrived ad this mega restaurant fer dinner .
Chinese restaurant agaiin . Soup + everythiing else agaiin . not forgetting veggies !!!
- 2230 arrived ad de Blue Wave Hotel .
this hotel is way better than de previious hotel . hehe . hotel was located ad Shah Alam .
as usual sarahh n noreen in my room . routined smokiing iin my room . agaiin, nooddles fer supper + teaa tat ii bought iin cameron highlands .
room raiiders !!o5.o6.o6- 0800 buffet breakfast agaiin .
hee . ate 3 plates of everythiing . drankk coffee + orange juiice . stole 2 strawberry jam . hehe .
- 0930 headd fer oil palm plantatiion .
this is .... some machiine .... operated for .... some uses larr .
ohh . ii dont know what this does .
kae kae . ii noe this one . STERILISER .
ohh . ini tempat ambil angin .
- 1220 reachhed a restaurant fer lunchh .
a restaurant by de riverr . niice2 . agaiin Chinese restaurant . Soup + everythiing else AGAIN .
veggiies too . ='( ii can diie from routiined meals . As usual, ate a lot . hee .
- 1320 teacher let us go shopp shopp .
shopping aperr !! dere's only supermarket dere !! so bought tidbits lorr . chocs + driinks + potato chiips . =D
- 1340(ii thiink) head fer RICE MILL .
ok so de lecturer named Mr Hassan . HAHAHAHA . hasanah nyer mataiir . ok lame . his engliish is not tt good . his teeth was gone . only one or two survivor left . or in other werds his english is equal to his teeth . ok . but he is knowledgable . only on rice larr . explaiined to us de processes . so iit took 1 hr .
- 1500 went to de RICE MILL .
maiinly went dere to camwhore .
padi grains .
ii dont know what this does.
hot ~!!
de ones ii was close to during de trips . not forgetting hasanah .
when boredom striikes !!
ii love how de picture portrays eerie-ness . It's lovely though .
me wiith bags of riice weiighing 100kg each .- 1600 went to de rice fiields .
harvestiing season n de harvestor .
rice fiield n atap house .
irrigation system .
aku tau aku selenge .
when in rice field, plz tok no evil, see no evil n hear no evil .- 1800 head fer dinner .
- 1900 dinner ad .... SORRY . FORGOT !!!
aniiwae ii rmb tt ii ate alot . =D
- 2030 till 2200 KLCC
bought NOTHING !!! thiings were damn expensiive . muchh more expensiive than stuffs in singapore . window shopped . sadded . ='(
- 2100 arrived ad de hotel .
hee . lights out ad 0030 . kewl . ohh yarr . noreen n sarah agaiin in my room doiing theiir daily niight stuffs . hee . SLEPT . ZzzZzzzZzzZZzz ..................................
o6.o6.o6(niice date ehh)- 0800 buffet breakfast .
did wad ii had to do . EAT .
- 0930 went to de FRIM / forest
de lecturer was farniie . name : Mr Jaafar . wad a name !! even de name was farniie . so .. ii laughed my ass out . he was veryy farniie .
- 1000 went to de forest .
nature's beauty .

amazing how nature nurtures its beauty in a subtle wayy .

iim a nature lover .

iidentify de diff layers of de forest .

remember.. civilisation begins by cutting de fiirst tree and it will end by cutting down de last tree .

blackk lily .

mushroom spotted . how cute .
- 1145 head for lunchh
lunchh ad MINES resort . thaii restaurant . FINALLY !! ate . ate . ate .
- 1230 shoppingg !!!
haha . finally . bought two sleeveless n a paiir of shoe . walk n walkk non-stop .

- 1400 head ferr putrajaya .
went dere just to take pixx . putrajaya was so not lyk Malaysiia . look so future-ristic . is dere such werd ?? nehmiind .

- 1600 head fer SINGAPORE .

boredom exiisted in de bus .

there she goes .

ii met spongebob .- 2030 arrived in skewl .
home sweet home !! yess arr !! dear fetchedd mii . n yarr . ii aliight de bus forgetting myy bag . paiisey .
IM DONE !!!!!!
`i am me, not someone else