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Friday, June 30, 2006
♥ 10:07 PM

remediials remediials remediials .
after skewl ... REMEDIAL(S) .

mondayy - lit remediial
tuesdayy - chemistry remedial
wednesday - englishh remediial
thursday - maths, combined humans , physics
friday - maths remedial

wahhhhhh .
after remediial have to go home n complete hw .
by the tyme ii haf completed my hw, its tyme to sleep .

Singapore ..... humans are theiir only resource that's y we have to studyy lyk a slave .
O levels larr . Prelims larr .
y de heckk did sciience have practiical .
ii dont intend to be a scientist .
y do ii haf to study humanities .
ii dont want to know about de soil n all .

hate skewl .
loves mathss .

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, June 17, 2006
♥ 5:06 PM

got thiis lame thiing from putrii .
tis tyme w/o de cat .

Name 3 Schools you went to :
1. Merlimau Pri . [[1197]]

2. Xingnan Pri . [[1998-2002]]
3. Boon Lay Sec. [[2003-2006]]

3 impt things in your purse/handbag :
1. handphone .

2. tissue .
3. mirror .

Name 3 things you really do when you're really stressed :
1. cryy .

2. eat .
3. wotchh tv non-stopp .

Name 3 places you go on a daily basis :
1. kitchenn .

2. hall
3. room

Name 3 favorite fruits :
1. pear
2. mangosteen
3. papaya

Name 3 names you go by :
1. tikus

2. kecikk
3. atik

Name 3 of your favourite foods :
1. mom's cookiing

2. BK's swiiss mushroom burger
3. everythiing else tt is edible n halal coz ii love food !!

Name 3 who is in the house with you :
1. grandmama

2. eldest sis
3. me

Name 3 person who are you thinking about right now :
1. khalifahh

2. khalifahh
3. khalifahh

Who did you last talk to on the phone?
- dearr

Who do you sit next to in your class?
- clara <33`

Who was the last person you told you loved?
- dearr

Who do you wish you were with right now?
- dearr

Who gets on your nerves the most at school?
- de lower sec miinahs . plz groww up .

Where is your phone?
- beside me .

Where is the last place you took a ride to?
- esplanade =')

Where in your house are you?
- mom's room

What was the last thing you ate?
- umm . biscuits .

What colour shirt are you wearing?
- piink .

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
- speaker .

What do you like best about school?
- educatiion bebeh .

What is your favourite colour?
- ii love all colours .

What do you wear more: jeans or shorts?
- jeans for outside, shorts for at home uhh.
(my ans is the same as nazurah+putrii.lolol)

When did you start school?
- 4

When is your b'dae?
- 13th August 1990 .

When did you last go to the mall?
- ytdd .

When was the last time you bought a pair of pants?
- de dayy before ytd . thx dear~!!

When did you last burn something?
- nong nong ago .

And the next victims are...
- mira, mahmudah, sinyii .


`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
♥ 12:36 PM

7 random facts about Me:

  1. world cup fever is on for me
  2. ii adore kaka ii find Oliver Khan cute
  3. ii can sleep up to 14-16 hours
  4. ii can stay up til the next day just like now
  5. ii love coffee more just because dear loves it
  6. ii treasure forests
  7. ii hate pretenders
7 random things that scares me

  1. that scabies will be with me forever
  2. be so forgetful - STM (short-term memory)
  3. creepy crawlies
  4. horror movies
  5. not studying
  6. not sleeping
  7. not eatingg

7 random music at the moment

  1. buttons from putrii's blog
  2. buttons from putrii's blog
  3. buttons from putrii's blog
  4. buttons from putrii's blog
  5. buttons from putrii's blog
  6. buttons from putrii's blog
  7. buttons from putrii's blog

7 random things that i like most

  1. go j.c
  2. boyfriend
  3. giirlfriend
  4. world peace
  5. more nature conservation
  6. no end of the world
  7. a bathh??

7 random things i say the most

  1. pala peanut
  2. tudututu
  3. arghh
  4. huhh?
  5. ekk??
  6. orhh
  7. chao chicken

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, June 12, 2006
♥ 11:46 AM

03 June 2006 til 06 June 2006 .
(4 days 3 niights geography triip)

- 0530 met dear .

- 0600 arrived ad skewl withh dear .

- 0645 depart from skewl to Cameron Highlands/sayy bubbye to dear .
iit was an effing longg journey withh 4 stops/breaks .
de journeyy took 13hrs ii guess .
myy ass was glued to de chaiir . =(

what ii did iin de bus throughout de journey :
`mp3 (40%)
`talkedd (5%)
`stared out de windows hopiing to see sumthiing amusing (20%)
`SLEPT (35%)

- 1330(ii think) lunchh ad orna restaurant .

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a Taiwanese restaurant . Soup + everythiing else . =D

- 1745(ii think) went to this waterfall ad de base of Cameron Highlands .

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hutan lipur lata iskandar .
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waterfall .

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from left: grace, mr chan, shi yun, kenny, kenneth n mii .

- 2100 arrived ad a restaurant for dinner .
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looks can be deceivingg .
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de crews . notiice ii didnt mix with alot of malays ?? haha . ii love it tis way ~

steamboat dinner . I was hungry tat ii juz ate dem raw . seriiously . n iit tastedd awful . smuggled an egg backk to de hotel . hee . wantedd to eat iit wiith my cup nooddle fer supper .

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hasanah, sarah n mii .
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maggii n coffee fer supper !! ...every night...

- 2230 arrived ad equatoriial hotel .
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our hotel is right on top of the mountains .

room-mate : Hasanahh .
hotel has no air-conditioner bcos iit does not need any!! de climate there was alreadyy freezing cold . who needs an air-conditioner anyway . egg wasnt fully boiled so threw iit away . -.-" slept under de sheets coz ii was freezing . myy room has balconyy . cool . sarah n noreen came over to my room . dey smokedd . lepakz . I ate my nooddles . brushedd my teeth n get readyy fer sleep .

- 0730(ii think) WOKE UP ~!!
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view from balcony .
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view from balcony part 2 .
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u can call this part 3 .

- 0800 went fer breakfast .
breakfast was buffet . heehee . ranges from western to eastern(izzit??) . yeaa . cereals . eggs . orange juice . pastriies . coffee . tea . nasi lemak . french toast . milkk . ate till it filled my stomachh . hehe . ii ate alot . free wad ...

- 0900 - 1230 went fer BOH tea plantations, see2 de crops (agriculture)
ii witnessed de terracing . heehee . lots of crops . cabbages, carrots, tomatoes etc.
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Best Of Highlands .
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tea plantations all over Cameron .
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ii was up there drinkiing tea . =D
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Sarah n mii .
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yar yar . iim de shortest !!
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terracing .
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cabbage mengambangg !! LOL . mcm purnama mengambangg lar konon . -.-"
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*no comments*

-1245 arrived ad a restaurant fer lunchh .
Chinese restaurant . Soup + everythiing else agaiin -.-" . during the four days ii ate alot of veggies . yumm !!

- 1330 - 1700 went to rose garden, strawberry plantation etc.
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flowers !!

- 1715 depart for KL .

- 2030 arrived ad this mega restaurant fer dinner .
Chinese restaurant agaiin . Soup + everythiing else agaiin . not forgetting veggies !!!

- 2230 arrived ad de Blue Wave Hotel .
this hotel is way better than de previious hotel . hehe . hotel was located ad Shah Alam .
as usual sarahh n noreen in my room . routined smokiing iin my room . agaiin, nooddles fer supper + teaa tat ii bought iin cameron highlands .
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room raiiders !!

- 0800 buffet breakfast agaiin .
hee . ate 3 plates of everythiing . drankk coffee + orange juiice . stole 2 strawberry jam . hehe .

- 0930 headd fer oil palm plantatiion .

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this is .... some machiine .... operated for .... some uses larr .
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ohh . ii dont know what this does .
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kae kae . ii noe this one . STERILISER .
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ohh . ini tempat ambil angin .

- 1220 reachhed a restaurant fer lunchh .
a restaurant by de riverr . niice2 . agaiin Chinese restaurant . Soup + everythiing else AGAIN .
veggiies too . ='( ii can diie from routiined meals . As usual, ate a lot . hee .

- 1320 teacher let us go shopp shopp .
shopping aperr !! dere's only supermarket dere !! so bought tidbits lorr . chocs + driinks + potato chiips . =D

- 1340(ii thiink) head fer RICE MILL .
ok so de lecturer named Mr Hassan . HAHAHAHA . hasanah nyer mataiir . ok lame . his engliish is not tt good . his teeth was gone . only one or two survivor left . or in other werds his english is equal to his teeth . ok . but he is knowledgable . only on rice larr . explaiined to us de processes . so iit took 1 hr .

- 1500 went to de RICE MILL .
maiinly went dere to camwhore .

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padi grains .
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ii dont know what this does.
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hot ~!!
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de ones ii was close to during de trips . not forgetting hasanah .
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when boredom striikes !!
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ii love how de picture portrays eerie-ness . It's lovely though .Image hosted by
me wiith bags of riice weiighing 100kg each .

- 1600 went to de rice fiields .
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harvestiing season n de harvestor .
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rice fiield n atap house .
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irrigation system .
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aku tau aku selenge .
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when in rice field, plz tok no evil, see no evil n hear no evil .

- 1800 head fer dinner .

- 1900 dinner ad .... SORRY . FORGOT !!!
aniiwae ii rmb tt ii ate alot . =D
- 2030 till 2200 KLCC

bought NOTHING !!! thiings were damn expensiive . muchh more expensiive than stuffs in singapore . window shopped . sadded . ='(

- 2100 arrived ad de hotel .
hee . lights out ad 0030 . kewl . ohh yarr . noreen n sarah agaiin in my room doiing theiir daily niight stuffs . hee . SLEPT . ZzzZzzzZzzZZzz ..................................

(niice date ehh)

- 0800 buffet breakfast .
did wad ii had to do . EAT .

- 0930 went to de FRIM / forest
de lecturer was farniie . name : Mr Jaafar . wad a name !! even de name was farniie . so .. ii laughed my ass out . he was veryy farniie .

- 1000 went to de forest .
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nature's beauty .
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amazing how nature nurtures its beauty in a subtle wayy .
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iim a nature lover .
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iidentify de diff layers of de forest .
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remember.. civilisation begins by cutting de fiirst tree and it will end by cutting down de last tree .
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blackk lily .
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mushroom spotted . how cute .

- 1145 head for lunchh
lunchh ad MINES resort . thaii restaurant . FINALLY !! ate . ate . ate .

- 1230 shoppingg !!!
haha . finally . bought two sleeveless n a paiir of shoe . walk n walkk non-stop .

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- 1400 head ferr putrajaya .
went dere just to take pixx . putrajaya was so not lyk Malaysiia . look so future-ristic . is dere such werd ?? nehmiind .

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- 1600 head fer SINGAPORE .
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boredom exiisted in de bus .
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there she goes .
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ii met spongebob .

- 2030 arrived in skewl .
home sweet home !! yess arr !! dear fetchedd mii . n yarr . ii aliight de bus forgetting myy bag . paiisey .

IM DONE !!!!!!

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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