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Friday, March 31, 2006
♥ 12:58 PM

friidayy .
friidayy .
friidayy .
freaky fridayy .
kae fiine .
ii noe iim lame .
nowadays iim confusedd about makiing de riight decisiions .
ii am dependent on friends on makiing my own deciisiions .
iimm so S-L-O-W . (iim sure ppl whu noes mii knew iit already)
iim S-L-O-W .
iits contagiious u noe .
ii think ii got it from sinyi .
haha .
high possibility .
coz mira also is S-L-O-W .
iim seriious .
haha .
todayy was crap larr .
get to go home earlyy ad 11.1o but haf to be ad jurong stadiium by 2 .
sports day lar .
iim takiing part iin de 4 X 100m and 4 X 400m relays .
iim FAT alreadyy .
haf nort been jogging larr .
put on 2 kg alreadyy lar .
cannot make iit one larr .
haha .
haf to driink more redbull . >.<
so ii can be super-actiive .
how how how????
how to run later??
shd ii breakk my legs so ii would be excused??
shd ii just be iirresponsible n just dun attenD??
or shd ii faiint half-way running so de SJAB can piick mii up with a stretcher .
hmm .
juz run larr .
kae .
so just now was lame larr .
only had 7 periiods .

1st n 2nd - MALAY
3rd n 4th - AMATHS
5th n 6th - ENGLISH (teacherr did not come)

by de end of 6th periiod, dere was fiire alarm exerciise .
so we haf to assemble in de fiield as soon as possible .
ii feel lyk briinging my desk wif mii coz ii love my books .
so de whole class start packiing theiir bags whiich, by the way, they shd not be packiing bags .
line up outsiide class withh our bags .
teacherr scolded us .
put our bags back in class n went to de fiield .
v v HOT lorr . (v = veryy)
went baq home n startedd munchiing bread + tuna .
cannot eat riice .
later cannot run .
drank one can of redbull . (buyiing one more later . kanchiiong!!)
oh yeahh .
shiit .
haf to hand iin by todayy !!
diie .
kk .
wanna rushh thru my hw .

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
♥ 8:15 PM

today's topiic??
this sounds scaryy n weiird ad de same time .
all de pictures ii had uploaded are GUYS ok .
his name iis suppose to be "gackt" from Japan .
heard he's hot -.-
iit's a metrosexual issue larr .
fashiion and trends always come to Singapore from Japan aiite?
even noww, gothiic lolita can be seen down Orchard Road .
cute .
expensiive .
*p.s : gothics lolita clothes can be found ad Far East Plaza .
eachh clothiing can cost up to 8o bucks u noe .
burn pocket .
but teenagers nowadays splurge on wadever they fiind up-to-date .
true .
kk .
backk to gackt .
discovered gackt from a friiend .
he's a japanese freakk .
haha . =X
ii bet Singaporean guys will start trimming theiir eyebrows n begiin usiing make-up ad a large-scale (ok bedek!)
kae .
take a miinute to iimagiinE that!
then we will haf to call the guys pretty insteadd of dashiing .
hehe .
imagiine ur bf start usiing ur make-up .
even nowadays, ii've seen guys triim theiir eyebrow (e.g faiiz; putrii's ex bf) . =p
n weariing make-up (amiin ; whu cares, he's gay) .

dere's more of his pictures on de net .
just go yahoo n searchh "gackt" .
dere'll be plentiiful of hiis pics .
haha . no kiddingg .
crediits of popularisiing gackt goes to HATREDDOLL .
tank u tank u .
ok bedek ~!!

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, March 27, 2006
♥ 9:23 PM

wads love??
anyone knows??
maybe u felt love before .
but are u sure that's love??
how to recogniise love??
when does iit happens??
how many tiimes does iit happen??
love = deceptiion??
love = arguiing??
love = happiness??
everyone needs love .
iits may come iin family, friiendship, teacher-student, boy-girl etc .
so wad makes love b/w a girl n a boyy different from love from others ??

tell u wad .
those who are iin love, contiinue to do so n cheriish tat speciial someone because when iin love, u'll experiience somethiing beautiiful .
to those whu had fallen out of love, move on .
iit may be difficult but iit takes tiime .
suckk all de poiison out n live a new liife .
to those whu iis haviing problems withh theiir partners, space iis needed .
love iif held tiightly, iit may be destroyedd .
love iif held loose, iit may sliip .

thiink .

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, March 26, 2006
♥ 3:44 PM

ii've been pouriing out craps iin thiis blog .
CRAPS of beiing someone whom iim not n
CRAPS of beiing someone who ii dont wanna be .
fuck familyy matters .
fuck relationshiips .
now ii wanna concentrate on studiies n ONLY studiies .
ii wont let anythiing disrupt my studiies .
dahhh .

`i am me, not someone else

Thursday, March 16, 2006
♥ 9:42 AM


stoopid stoopid guyy .
ii oredii ask fer break-up fer de thiird tiime .
y cant still get iit ??
haiix .
oK .
so we met up ytd n talked .
he beg mii lyk hell .
he even got down to his knees n saiid he would change .
ii kept sayiing NO .
ii oredii gave hiim two chances n tats enuff .
iim not a chariity worker whu could take piity on hiim .
ii've been too soft-hearted all these whiile .
farkerr .
he even uses force n physical strength on mii .
as iif tat will change how ii feel about hiim .
he expresses how muchh ii mean to hiim n even saiid dere's no one lyk mii in dis werld .
as iif ii'd buy tat .
maybe ii was cruel n heartless .
then so be iit .
coz iim doiing tis for one guyy .
n tat guyy is de love of my liife .

ytd niight his whole family went to search fer hiim coz iit's been two days he has not been home .
n he broke de probatiion rules .
he shd be home by 10 .
his sister, mom called mii .
all he does iis briinging trouble .
worst still, his PO (probational officer) called mii ad 9 tis morniing .
wakiing mii up from my sleep .
haiix .
donno where he's now larr .
all ii noe is tat he's iin deep shit .
juz bcos a girl, he's willing to go back to jaiil .
wad a stoopid act .
omg .
ii am heartless .
whu cares .
iim heartless for my own sake .
ii'm takiing my O levels tis yearr .
y shd ii care about otherr ppl n nort care about mii .
haiix .
ii realli regret knowiing hiim . FULLSTOP .

`i am me, not someone else

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
♥ 12:54 PM

ferr hiim .

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, March 13, 2006
♥ 9:27 AM

atiika's BACKKK~!!

lololololololololololol .
kindda busyy lar nowadayys .
studyy .
then studyy more .
then studyy morer [cheyy . whr gort such werd] .
shengg shengg shengg . [OK .onlii putput understands]
kaekae .
so my ciggies supplies are running out n iim out of cashh .
ii've gort no liife u noe !!!
kesiian kan .
sobx .
iits been monthhs siince ii went out .
kae arr .
kluarr pon stakat gii piioneer mall .
go piioneer mall pon blajarr .
naiik penat aku .
ii didnt went to skewl on friidayy but ii still went fer cca .
u wanna noe y ii didnt go to skewl???
pasal tk buat keratan akhbar .
so lame riite .
well .
miira pon samerr .
haha .
but ii still went ferr cca u noe .
ii told teacherr ii was mentally exhaustedd not physiically .
cheyy cheyy .
so nyarii at last I'M GOING OUT .
tu pon g kbox .
ii was reluctant arr .
but ii made a promiise .
so .. kene pegii .
iim a good friiend u noe .
ciis .
piinky and de braiin btol arr .
tis week march holiidays no skewl but haf remediials .

WEDNESDAY - emaths - 1300 to 1630
THURSDAY - amaths - 1300 to 1630

tat iis lyk 3 and a half hours eachh OKOKOKOKOKOK ~!!!!!!!

ii'll definitely go mad .
ii slept ad 6am tis morningg .
n ii woke up ad 8+am .
haha .
ii sleep soo 'LONG'
yeaa .
2hrs + .
so tenangg [cool] .
I AM goiing to be mad .

hmm .
todayy haf to hand iin my giiro form .
wth .
my O levels fees costs $370.00 . [2 sig fig]
sumwhere around there larr .
so farkiing expensiive .
we have to pay fer de papers' fliight .
ii wonder y dey just cant send de paper thru u-noe-wad-dey-call-tat "EMAIL"
den juz priint .
juz get some computer expert so de papers will be kept confidentiial .
kk .
iim so LAME .
ii noe .


ok tats dangdut-liciious .
ook . dah start merepekk .
kuku btol arr .

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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