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Sunday, February 26, 2006
♥ 8:48 PM

ok ok .
so ii stumbled on a websiite where great poems can be foundd .
from love poems to sad one .
from erotiic poems to teenage poems .
so tats wad ii do when iim BORED !!!
de websiite iish
go take a look .
n ii wanna share a poem wiith all of u tat somehoww relates to mii .

She Walks
by Jeffrey Carter

She walks along this lonely street
no one to dry her tears
massage her tired feet
or calm ever present fears

Seeing life through tainted heart
making everything gray
Alone, her life, anew to start
Always searching for a way

But life goes on no matter what
That fact she cannot quell
Memories ne'er to be forgot
Within her heart they dwell

So she keeps walking this lonely street
Keeps searching to find her way
Every night she lies down to sleep
And prays tomorrow's a better day

`i am me, not someone else

♥ 8:39 PM

hmm .
kk .
can aniione tell mii wad state am ii iin .

nahh .
too relax to be stress .
hmm .
so wad exactly iis my problem ??
can aniione tell mii .
SAD ??
definitelyy .
ii dun rmb which niight ii did not cryy .
yarr . angry wiithh myself fer beiing so unsensible .
definitely .
uh huhh .

maybe he's de only one who holds de keyy to myy happiness .

`i am me, not someone else

Sunday, February 19, 2006
♥ 7:15 PM

ok ok .
so ii've realiised tt my blogg iis full of hates, anger n all de pessimiistic stuffs .
haha .
but iit realli reflects all de emotiions iin mii .
ok ok .
enuff enuff .
so lets start wiith somethiing happiier .

friiday - cross-countryy .
ii had myy muscle cramps siince sundayy .
n by friidayy, iit was ok larr except ferr miinor cramps .
so had tis conversatiion withh zacharyy about myy cramps n all .
n he saiid tt iif cross-countryy would be postponedd due to de raiin, den ii'll haf more tiime to recover .
haha .
n iit CAME TRUE .
so kewl .
noww ii haf to juz traiin n traiin .
not fergetting my studiies.
haiix .
tell u wad .
a student whom consistentlyy gort A1 ferr every amaths CAs n exams FAILED her amathss CA1 tis yearr .
u wanna noe de marks??
tts bullshiit iisnt iit .

saturdayy - chiingay .
ii happen to be iin group 4 as motiivators .
but our group was speciial .
we became OFFICIAL .
haha .
iits better than de otherr motiivators .
dey haf to run inn circles n dey dun haf de spirit of motivators .
quiite embarassing larr .
ii laughedd from where ii was standiing .
so de chiingay went well .
n iim veryy proud of skewl bandd .
dey rox .
n so do ii .
den we knockedd off around 10+ .
we went to de streets n had fun .
danciing , throwiing de paper striips ad one anotherr .
took piix .
haha .
had fun larr .
den mii, azura , hasanahh n shaleihin walked baq from taman jurongg to jp .
haha .
laughedd alot whiile walkiing .
den went straiight home n zZzZzzzzzZz .
well, ii haf to admiit tt ii behave lyk an aniimal sometiimes .

recently, ii have been quiite worried about my studiies .
all de pressure of takiing O levels seems to reachh mii so soon .
haiix .
haha .
no comments .
ii haf to studyy doubly harderr so ii can make iit to JC .
tts wad ii haf been doiing so far but ii cant see a sliight progress .
well ii studyy fer my sake n nort because ii wanna to impress myy parents .
they haf shown mii so muchh "love" .
iin tis difficult siituatiion , iim so helpless w/o hiim .
ii am strongg yet so weakk .

ii wishh n ii wiish but none of dem came true ;

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, February 18, 2006
♥ 1:25 PM

ii hate myself .
ii hate everyone .
ii dun deserve tis fate .
ii dun deserve to cryy .
ii deserve to be loved lyk ii had been loved before .
ii deserve all de respect tt ii deserve .
ii deserve de good grades tt ii used to have .
ii deserve to be iin his arms .
ii deserve de comfort tt ii used to have .
ii deserve de love tt ii once had .

thankk u godd fer everythiing .
but when iis tis fate goiing to change ??
ii everydayy thiink tt tomorrow will be a better future .
but iit's just on de contraryy .

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, February 13, 2006
♥ 8:43 PM

kae kae .
to start off , my weekends had been bothh good n bad .
lets start wiit de bad .
donno fer wad reasons larr MY PARENTS HATE MI .
ii noe tat .
iim so sure tt ii am a burden to dem .
fiine .
hate mii fer all ii care .
all de abusiive werds did hurt mii OK !!!
dey shd haf throww mii awayy when ii was little !


good news !!!
hahahahahhaha .
ii am de most happiest gerl iin de world todayy .
fiinally afterr a terrible monthhs plus , ii got to miit hiim !!
goshh . how muchh ii miiss hiim terribly .
ii really do .
ii would thiink of hiim everydayy .
kk .
so todayy afterr skewl went home .
den bathh .
den studyy a little biit .
went to jp wiith sinyii .
met pipit .
thx fer de muffins!!!
so went to buyy sumthiing speciial fer someone speciial .
met hiim !!! [[tats de best part]]
he didnt change a biit .
damn .
how unfortunate tt thiings change drastiically .
well .
ii'll live wiit iit ~

wad iis valentiine to mii when u cant celebrate iit wiith sumone u love .
n to dear whom iit may concern, ii hope u lyk de giift .

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
♥ 2:55 PM

fiirst of all, ii hate myy bf to de core .
he's veryy generous .
he gort mii a $500+ bill .
oh yeaa .
iits a surpriise ii guess .
my hw iis piling up n so iis trouble .
haiix .
he's goiing to pay fer all de trouble .
yea .
so todayy ii nehh go skewl .
dun feel lyk iit .
woke up ad 1pm .
nv had dat type of sleep fer a longg tyme .
so noww here ii am .
haven bath yet .
hehe .

`i am me, not someone else

Monday, February 06, 2006
♥ 6:39 PM

ii held all my hopes n dreams on u .
ii love u n care for u .
u deceiived mii but tat's ok .
ii juz dun wanna see u hurt .
ii juz cant accept de fact u are withh sumone else .
so ii juz kiip myyself optimistic,
n tell myself tat she's juz ur fren .
ii nv loved aniione so deep b4 .
u taught mii how to love .
ii love de way u were angry withh mii,
n ii love de way u held mii close to u .
ii miiss ur touchh,
ii miiss ur smiile .
most iimportantly, i miss de way u loved mii .

maybe we haf gone different ways but ii feel blessed to haf u iin my liife even thoughh iits onlyy fer a short whiile .
tankk u .

`i am me, not someone else

Saturday, February 04, 2006
♥ 7:40 PM

umm umm .
todayy woke up ad 6.45am .
haha .
niid to reachh woodlands ad 8am .
haiiyohh .
niid to do CIP .
tadahh iitu bende n gib stiicker to ppl whu donates .
haha .
finiish stiickerr go walk2 ad causeway .
mamam .
amek neopriint lagii .
den 12.1o blahh .
went to skewl den bergerakk .
g NUS .
aderr program motiivasii .
haha .
masokk theatre .
dgr wad dey haf to sayy .
beh maiin game behh mamam behh balekk .
huahuahua .
balekk teros dudok dpan com .
iish3 .
aperr larr nk jadii .
kae larr kwn2 .
peace peace .

`i am me, not someone else

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
♥ 5:50 PM

yada yada yada .
eff-iingg nort iin de mood to blogg .
haha .
umm umm .
ii faiiled my geog CA1 .
[[9/25]] -- pathetiic markk !!
oh yea oh yea .
wads gort iinto mii????
ii donno larr biitchh .
umm umm .
at least ii passed myy s.s .
[[14/25]] -- wad an ass ii haf been .
ii hate myy liife .
y y y y y y y y ??????????????????????
myy studiies mcm siial .
beruk amekk test pon tk mcm giitu .
cheyy ~
4 dayys off holiidays .
2 harii dudok kat umahh mcm berokk .
bacerr buku SIDNEY SHELDON .
woohoo .
gerekk .
pompuan tu kene maiin jubo larr .
jantan kene potongg konekk larr .
biiar .
lagii bagos kene potongg .
huahuahua .
guys are cheat n liiars, dey are suchh a biig disgrace..
dahh . tata . muackkx .
ii love all de taggers .
iinsanePIPI, aku dahh update tauu .

`i am me, not someone else


this is me.


18 years of age
13th August 1990
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Call me stupid only if you're Einstein.
If you think cursing and swearing in the tagboard will do the trick, I suggest you grow up.

I don't care.


mira. val. sin yi. putri. wen ting. patricia. aman. yiyong. wang min. noelle. mahmudah. nana. trent. my friendster account.


designer: VINTAGEEE-X
brushes: streetcarcircus
image hosting: imageshack
inspiration: thatphobia
done in adobe photoshop cs3


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