Thursday, December 29, 2005
♥ 12:48 PM
hahahahaha .these feww dayys no onliine .coz myy papa ad home .haha .myy mama go chiina one week, he go spoiil de fun .hmm hmm .kae larr put .TWIST larr TWIST larr .kae .ii haf a confession to make .my shoe's SIZE 2 .wakakakakaka .kae larr .ii tokiing crap .haiix .my liife's getting more miserable day by dayy .kae .thx to all of u whu tagged ~!!
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, December 24, 2005
♥ 8:39 PM
hahahahahahhahahahahaha .wakakakakakakakkaaka.arrrrrrrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iit ended TODAY~yeaa . wadeverrr .exactly on de date n on de tyme he sound steadd mii .wakakakaka .farniie larr u asshole .yarrrrrrrrr ."ii syg kan u tau" ...aarrrr . go n diie larr .cant trust guys aniimore .no sweet talk can wiin my heart aniimore .g mampos .haiix .ok .so ..when broke up oredyy, ii cryy larr takkan happy kan ..nangiis satu baldii siot .den went miit amiira .diier pon sort jugakk arr .isap rokok nonstop kiiter berduerr .den naiik umah diier memotek ..LOLs .tkderr larr .g umahh diier masakk maggi .haha .go to her blogg fer more info .hee .ter keruk2 mcm berukk si miira tu .wakakaka .den blablabla .den lepakk ngan zul .bbl .den alekk .haha .ii soundd crazyy aiint ii??????nehmiind .its juz a temporary emotional disorderr .nthh to worry about .juz feel lyk scoldiing sumone .tats all .ok .tata .bubbye .
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, December 23, 2005
♥ 8:49 PM
well well .ever wonderedd y are we born iinto tis werld??well, ii juz wiished ii didnt .iim siick n tiired of liviing of tiis farkiing lyfe .juz wiish tat ii could juz diie .everyday it feels lykk sumone is juz killing u slowlyy ...... intentiionally/unintentiionally .ii juz wiish de werd "PAIN" would juz periish n dont exiist .when emotiions take control, u will feel u r so close to hell .makiing u wiish tat u were nv born into tiis werld .so ppl will juz sayy "juz move on" .yeaa .moviing on wit a kniife stabbiing on u .it juz take a person u love to make u feel tis wayy .but it oso take de same person to make u feel otherwiise .de scar will remiind u of de past .if tis post disturb u in some way or another, juz pretendd u nv read iit .
`i am me, not someone else
♥ 8:29 PM
well well .
ever wonderedd y are we born iinto tis werld??
well, ii juz wiished ii didnt .
iim siick n tiired of liviing of tiis farkiing lyfe .
juz wiish tat ii could juz diie .
everyday it feels lykk sumone is juz killing u slowlyy ...
... intentiionally/unintentiionally .
ii juz wiish de werd "PAIN" would juz periish n dont exiist .
when emotiions take control, u will feel u r so close to hell .
makiing u wiish tat u were nv born into tiis werld .
so ppl will juz sayy "juz move on" .
yeaa .
moviing on wit a kniife stabbiing on u .
it juz take a person u love to make u feel tis wayy .
but it oso take de same person to make u feel otherwiise .
de scar will remiind u of de past .
if tis post disturb u in some way or another, juz pretendd u nv read iit .
`i am me, not someone else
Monday, December 19, 2005
♥ 10:21 PM
heyylo .longg tyme no update .heehee .umm .thiis few weeks .well ..nth major thiing happened except fer one larr .dun wiish to tok boud iit .umm ..all ii do is lepakk ngan put or go my fwen's hse .or go oud .or pleyy com .heehee .wad a fuckiing boriing lyfe .den ad nyte usually sleep ard 4+am .den wake up ard 1+pm .hee .dah mcm binatangg giitu .yeaa .umm .kae larr .all ii can say iis iim a SADDIE kae .ok .tankk u .tata .bubbye .
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, December 02, 2005
♥ 3:37 PM
hahaha. request from fyza[skarlet]
Rules of e game.
1. post 5 weird/random things abt yrself.
2. at e end of the quiz, list e name of the 5 ppl who u want next to do this
and leave a comment "u are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read yr blogg.
5 weird things abt me;
and here it goes..
1. ii eat alot but ii dun get fat .
2. ii eat whenn iim angryy or sadd .
3. ii also eat whenn iim boredd .
4. ii love to screamm n yell whenn iim bored
5. niiwae deyy r not weiird at all . LOLs .
the next 5 ppl would be;
1. sinyii
2. putri
3. miira [agaiin]
4. mahmudahh
5. zul
`i am me, not someone else