Monday, October 31, 2005
♥ 8:34 PM
hmm . sundayy .lend myy physiics text to miira .met herr ad myy voiid deckk .ahakx .ard 3+ miit dearr ad jp .den went to myy grandmama hse sendd kuehh .den afterr tat we went to bugiis .he saiid he wanna buyy clothes but nehh buyy .den went to ciity hall .walkk2 .went home .den wotched apprentiice .den slept .todayy went to skewl .walao .ii woke up earlyy in de morniing sho fed up siia .others holiidayy oredyy n ii still haf tu wake up sho farkiing earlyy .haiix .den afterr skewl went baq home n slept .ii shd wake up ad 5+ bcoz ii haf an appoiintment withh markk seow ad 6 to cut haiir .den 6.15pm mark seow called mii .he sayy "yy u nehh come arr ??""u noe ii from orchard take cab"walaoo .scold2 mii .but quiite fun arr .hee .den 6.30 reachedd hiis hse .go cut haiir .den afterr tat went baq home lorr .DONE .
`i am me, not someone else
Saturday, October 29, 2005
♥ 1:47 PM
hehex . ytd was one of de bez day of myy life ~!!!ii thiink it was ferr miira tuu .hehes .ytd came baq from skewl playy com den met sinyii ad herr voiid deckk ard 2+pm .den went to jurong east arcade wiit herr .met weii hao .sho "hensem" .sinyii fasterr run awayy from hiim .bad siia .hehe .actualliie ii oso paiisehh larr .den went to jp .sinyii bought memoryy card ferr her hp .den met dearr ad de control statiion .n de bez part starts from there .heehee .sinyii went home .mii n dearr went to bugiis .walkk2 .den met miira n zyrul .den mii n dearr took neopriints .hee .sho happy .den de fourr of us went breakk-fast ad banquet ad de raffles hospiital .actuallie out of de fourr, ii was de onlii one whu fast-ed .hmm .den we went to esplanade .we went to de roof terrace .de viiew there was spectacularr .n iit was speciial u noe .juz de two of us .sho romantiic .ii loiike~!! LOLs .den sat byy de riiversiide listeniing to de sweet songs from de band .four of us laughed ad jokes .ate iice-cream .den walkk2 to de merliion parkk .sat down there .verrii niice viiew .wit lit-up boats .haiishh .sho niice .den ard 9++pm four of us went baq home by takiing de bus from there .tookk 97 tat heads to jurongg east .iit was a 1hr riide n de bus was rarelyy full .slept iin de bus iin dear's arms .he kept mii warm .tat goes to zyrul n miira tuu .miira fell asleep iin zyrul's arm .LOLs .sho niice~!!hehex .den reached jurongg east ard 10++pm .den from there mii n dearr took de mrt to boon layy .miira liived ard jurong east so she took a bus .den dearr sendd mii home .ii bathhed as soon as ii reached home .ii was sho damn tiired but ad de same tyme contented n happy .den ate .corr dearr ferr a whiile .den slept lyk a piig .weee~ wad a niice niite .
`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
♥ 4:05 PM
hhmmm . 2 daes nehh update lerr . lemme wriite all tat ii can rmb . mondae . afterr skewl slept as soon as ii reached home . den ard 5+ went to jurong east wit sinyii n breakk-fast there . went to arcade . den ard 9+ reached home . sho damn tiired . ahakx . until de next dayy woke up late ferr skewl . haiix . almost late byy a few seconds . GOSH! tuesdayy . went to ngee ann polyy afterr skewl ferr de maths proficiencyy thiingy . den gort gamess . sho farniie . gort alot of sweets n lolliies(lollipop) . hurrhurr . ii was de fiirst one whu finiished all de games n ii got a donno-wad-thiing . heehee . den went to de theatre . playedd games . fun fun . =D donno aboud wad engineeriing informatiics larr . eachh person was giiven a role . ii , ika, hasanahh n anotherr giirl from gan eng seng sec were de logistics ferr our team . ourr team won 3rd . get lolliies . hee . den reached skewl went to jp wit hasanahh n iika . bought de sociial studiies book . todayy den ii realiised tat ii bought de wrongg book . ii accidentally bought 4NA's workbook . haha . sho iirritatiing . hmm . ytd niite quarrel wit dearr . haiix . donno wad to do oredyy . tmr ii gort scrabble inter-house competition . yeahh~!! come support mii everyyone . LOLs . k larr . tats all folkss~!!
`i am me, not someone else
Friday, October 21, 2005
♥ 11:22 PM
yox .
haiix .
ii actuallie wrote de entryy ferr ytd n todae .
but guess wad .
accidentally deleted iit .
haiix .
here ii am typiing it all overr agaiin .
hmm .
ytd ii ferget wad ii did .
sryy, ii verri fergetful .
todae skewl .
engliish was fun .
we did a debate .
ii was on de opposition team .
shiiok siia ~!!
argue here argue there .
ahakx .
ii finally found one of myy strongg poiints - ARGUIING .
iin class owaes nthh to do .
ii go draww2 .
hehe .
here are myy drawiings .
dreww dem while miissingg hiim .

hmm .
den went baq home .
playy com .
den went to plaza siing wit sinyi, nooreen, afiiq n zul .
went there fiirst place we went was de neopriintx .
o.O shiiok~!!
sho fun .
niice2 .
hehe .
long tyme nehh take neopriint leyy .
den we breakk-fast ad KFC .
ii ate alot siia .
felt lykk vomiitingg .
blueekx .
btw todaee miira bdae .
LOLs .
can diisturb herr oredyy .
coz she make iic oredyy mahh .
left 4 more dayss to diisturb sinyi .
nyehahaha .
den afterr breakk-fast we went to chill .
ad de underpass shout2 scream2 .
heehee .
sho fun .
den sat ad de istana parkk .
thr sho niice n romantiic .
ahakx .
den took pixiies of us .
den went to jp wit sinyii .
went to de arcade .
den went baq home wotchh "survivorr" n doiing tis shiit .

`i am me, not someone else
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
♥ 8:46 PM
hurrhurr .lets tokk boud ytd .hmm .ytd skewl .den afterr skewl went to queenswayy wit miira n sinyii .bought a dress .well . can sayy a top tuu larr .tuu short to be a dress n tuu longg tuu be a top .haha .den afterr tat mii n miira went to jp .we breakk-fast wit iikhmal n taufiik .longg tyme no see dem .ahnaf n iizharr not able tuu come .haiix .den lykk reuniion lyk dat .den afterr eat go arcade .playy gun .LOL .verrii fun leyy .den afterr tat went to wotchh moviie "iinto de bleuu"finiish moviie ard 11.45 .miira kan cheongg .she scared no bus .but actualli last bus iis ad 12.oo .den reachh home ard 12+ .den bathh straiight awayy slept~!!tiired~!!no skewl todaee .den todae woke up ard 10+am .den playy com until 1+pm .den fell siick .ate panadol .den sleep agaiin .woke up 5+pm .den playy com until 7+pm .suddenlyy remembered tat ii ferget to bathh tis morniing .haha .den bathh .den go jp wit myy youngerr sis .bought kelyn's present .btw ytd ii was sockk-LESS coz Miss Sandra confiiscate coz ii was weariing coloured socks despiite herr manyy tiimes warniing .hehe .dun care herr larr .den juz noww oso bought whiite ankle sockks .haiix .de socks she confiiscated was Reebok leyy .last yearr she confiiscated myy blackk niike socks .haiix .PICTURES TAKEN YTD :

`i am me, not someone else